Fredrikintori square

Fredrikintori square in Punavuori is a unique closed-corner square in Helsinki, surrounded by valuable buildings from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Renovation is planned for the square.
Toria ympäröi vanhat talot. Torilla on terassi ja siellä kasvaa muutama puu.

Planning of the renovation of Fredrikintori square will begin in autumn 2024. The aim is to preserve the square as an open urban space and ensure its functionality. The free space allows catering for a variety of needs, such as market sales, events and festivals and terraces for commercial spaces.

The renovation will include replacing the planting and paving of the square where necessary and repairing the depressions in the square and the street.

The lighting and furniture of the square will also be replaced. Deteriorated and mismatching furniture will be removed and new furniture will be designed to match the character of the square.

The renovation will also take into account the use of the square for events and examine the need for event electricity and water supply connections, as well as waste management.

The existing walking and cycling conditions of Fredrikintori square will be improved and clarified. Unauthorised parking in the square area will be prevented and the possibility of market sellers for short-term loading and delivery parking will be secured.

The planning is based on the 2022 environmental history study. The study presents the history of the area as well as changes to the square and the reasons for them from the end of the 19th century. The current appearance of Fredrikintori square dates back to an extensive renovation in the late 1980s, in which only few historical elements were kept. In planning the future renovation, the square will be developed taking into account cityscape aspects. 

  1. Autumn 2024

    An open market event on 21 August from 12 noon to 6 pm. Opening discussion about the future use and renovation of the square.

    At the event, you can chat with the project manager and planning officer of the renovation project and view the preliminary draft idea plan and background studies of the square between 4 pm and 6 pm. The representatives of Helsinki City Premises Ltd, which administers the square area, are present from 12 noon to 4 pm to talk about future market activities.

  2. Early 2025

    The street plans of the renovation will be available 8.1.-21.1.2025 at and presented at a resident event on January 15th. Possibility to give feedback and comment on the plans during their availability for comments.

    The plans will be made available for comments in spring. Opportunity to submit a written opinion about the plan. After availability for comments, the renovation plans for the Fredrikintori square will be presented to the Urban Environment Committee for approval.

  3. Late 2025

    The aim is to start construction in late 2025.

Ilmakuva Fredrikintorin alueesta.
Aerial photo of the square area. Fredrikinkatu runs on the right-hand side of the square. Photo: Kalle Kyläkoski

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