The renovation project involves replacing the 110-year-bridge on the Jätkäsaari isthmus. The bridge is located on Jätkäsaarenlaituri, south of Länsilinkki. The renovation project also involves building a new turning lane for vehicles turning right from the direction of Jätkäsaari. In addition to this, the project involves renewing the seawalls and municipal infrastructure wires and cables.
Up-to-date information on the progress of the renovation work
What does the renovation entail?
- The renovation project involves replacing the 110-year-bridge on the Jätkäsaari isthmus.
- The renovation also involves building a new turning lane for vehicles turning right to the intersection from the direction of Jätkäsaari.
- In addition to this, the project involves renewing municipal infrastructure wires and cables.
- The seawalls of Jätkäsaarenlaituri will be renewed. The old seawalls are also in need of repairs.
Jukka Repo
Construction site email address and phone number for feedback
Jätkäsaari bridge renovation – Frequently asked questions
1. Why is the Jätkäsaari bridge being renovated?
2. What does the Jätkäsaari bridge renovation project entail?
3. Which streets will the construction take place on?
4. How long will the renovation take?
5. Why does the renovation take so long?
6. Who is carrying out the bridge renovation?
7. How much will the bridge renovation cost?
8. Where can I find up-to-date information on the progress of the renovation and changes in transport arrangements?
9. Does the renovation entail the felling of trees?
10. Will the renovation affect the Länsilinkki dog park?
11. For what purpose is the blasted stone embankment being built?
12. Why is dredging being carried out in the construction site area?
1. Why is the Jätkäsaari bridge being renovated?
The current bridge on the Jätkäsaari isthmus was opened in 1914 and has reached the end of its operational life. The new bridge will remain in use for the next 100 years. Traffic in Jätkäsaari is sometimes congested, and the project will add a new lane for motor vehicles.
2. What does the Jätkäsaari bridge renovation project entail?
The renovation project involves replacing the 110-year-bridge on the Jätkäsaari isthmus. The bridge is located on Jätkäsaarenlaituri, south of Länsilinkki. The new bridge will consist of two corrugated steel bridges. The south support wall of the bridge will be clad with paving stones. It will be possible to pass under the bridge on a small boat again after the renovation.
The renovation also involves building a new turning lane for vehicles turning right towards Hietalahdenranta from the direction of Jätkäsaari. The new turning lane will improve the traffic flow of the intersection and increase safety. The seawalls will also be renewed in connection with the widening of the piers.
The renovation also involves renewing municipal infrastructure. This includes moving and replacing water supply pipes, district heating pipes and cables.
3. Which streets will the construction take place on?
The construction area extends from the front of the Clarion hotel in Jätkäsaari to the Mechelininkatu intersection.
4. How long will the renovation take?
The work started in October 2024, and the renovation will be completed in full in late 2026.
5. Why does the renovation take so long?
The bridge to be renewed is located in a very busy area, which is one of the main routes to and from the West Harbour. The bridge will be renovated in stages so that traffic can continue to flow in both directions along the bridge.
6. Who is carrying out the bridge renovation?
The contractor is GRK Suomi Oy. The main client is the City of Helsinki Urban Environment Division.
7. How much will the bridge renovation cost?
The renovation will cost approximately EUR 17 million.
8. Where can I find up-to-date information on the progress of the renovation and changes in transport arrangements?
You can follow the project on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/jatkasaarensilta(Link leads to external service) (in Finnish) and on the project website at hel.fi/jatkasaarensilta.
9. Does the renovation entail the felling of trees?
The construction of the new pier structure for Jätkäsaarenlaituri requires the removal of a total of six birches from a single line of birch trees. Based on a review, two of these trees have been found to be rotten at-risk trees. The trees will be replaced with new saplings at the end of the project. On the channel side, the renewal of municipal infrastructure requires the removal of one tree identified as an at-risk tree. It will be replaced with a new sapling at the end of the project.
In addition to this, two birches will be moved from the green area of Jätkäsaarenlaituri to the City's tree nursery due to the upcoming detour arrangement of the bridge renovation project. The aim is to return the birches to their original places once the bridge renovation is completed and vehicle traffic returns to using the current route. If necessary, new saplings will be planted at the end of the project.
All the trees to be removed and moved have been reviewed together with a City greenery management specialist. Trees will be removed only to the extent required by the construction project and taking into account the condition of the trees.
10. Will the renovation affect the Länsilinkki dog park?
The size of the Länsilinkki dog park will need to be temporarily reduced due to the construction site. The demolition of the existing bridge and construction of the new bridge require space on both sides of the bridge, in addition to which the project involves building new water supply infrastructure and protective pipes for cables by the dog park. The detour route to be implemented in autumn 2025 will run through a part of the dog park.
The size of the dog park will be temporarily decreased by approximately 40%. The aim is to keep the smaller dog park open throughout the bridge renovation. The aim is also to preserve the entrance gate in its current location. Any changes will be notified separately.
The dog park will be demarcated by means of a two-metre- tall construction site fence, the concrete bases of which will be embedded into the ground. In addition, the lower part of the temporary fence will be outfitted with a 150-centimetre-tall wire fence.
The dog park will be restored to its normal size in summer 2026 when the detour route used in the 2nd phase of the project is discontinued.
11. For what purpose is the blasted stone embankment being built?
A temporary blasted stone embankment will be built in the sea in order to allow traffic to pass through the construction site while work is carried out on the middle section of the bridge. The embankment will be removed at the end of the project once traffic returns to the original route.
12. Why is dredging being carried out in the construction site area?
The dredging involves removing soft and contaminated soil that has accumulated at the bottom of the sea. This will ensure that the blasted stone embankment can be built on a solid foundation and that it will not sink too much when traffic is temporarily routed through it.
1. At what times will the work take place?
2. Will the work result in any power or water outages? When?
3. What other inconvenience will the renovation cause in the area?
4. Will parking arrangements change in the project area?
1. At what times will the work take place?
Work at the construction site will be primarily carried out on weekdays from 7:00 to 22:00. Any work to be carried out at night and at weekends will be announced separately.
2. Will the work result in any power or water outages? When?
The roadworks may cause short power and water outages during work on pipes and cables. The Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority (HSY) and Helen Sähköverkko will announce any outages caused by the work in advance.
You can order text messages regarding water supply cuts from HSY on HSY’s website ( www.hsy.fi/en/water-and-sewers/water-supply-cuts-and-disturbances-in-water-supply/text-messages-regarding-water-supply-cuts/(Link leads to external service) ).
Unexpected pipe breakages are also possible during the roadworks. HSY has published basic instructions for residents on what to do in the event of an unexpected water supply cut. Read the instructions on HSY's website ( www.hsy.fi/en/water-and-sewers/water-supply-cuts-and-disturbances-in-water-supply/(Link leads to external service) ).
3. What other inconvenience will the renovation cause in the area?
The pile driving, excavation and dredging carried out as part of the bridge renovation will generate noise. Particularly noisy work will be carried out in accordance with the noise permit between 7:00 and 22:00. Work carried out in the evenings and at weekends will be announced separately. The aim is to carry out the construction of the blasted stone embankment and the pile driving as quickly as possible. Dust generation will be mitigated through salting and wetting.
4. Will parking arrangements change in the project area?
The project may cause minor changes to parking arrangements. The street parking spaces in the project area will be out of order during the renovation.
1. How will the renovation affect mobility in the area?
2. How will you ensure smooth traffic flow during peak times?
3. How will the construction work affect public transport services?
4. Should those heading to the West Harbour reserve more time to get there?
5. Can small boats pass under the bridge during the renovation?
1. How will the renovation affect mobility in the area?
Trams and motor vehicles will be able to pass through the constructions site throughout the renovation project. In terms of traffic, the greatest changes will take place in autumn 2025 when work is carried out on the middle part of the bridge.
The changing of construction site arrangements always disrupts traffic to some extent. The aim is to maintain the current number of lanes throughout the renovation.
In order to ensure safe mobility in the vicinity of the construction site, we have implemented temporary detours for pedestrians and cyclists. According to current estimates, the next time that the detour arrangements for pedestrians and cyclists will change will be in autumn 2025.
2. How will you ensure smooth traffic flow during peak times?
Traffic arrangements will be implemented in such a way as to minimise negative impacts on general traffic. The construction site will monitor the arrangements and traffic and, where necessary, make changes to the arrangements.
3. How will the construction work affect public transport services?
Trams will continue to run normally through the construction site throughout the renovation. Small delays may occur when changes are made to the traffic arrangements. More detailed information on changes to public transport services will be provided by HSL on the hsl.fi website and on their other channels ( https://www.hsl.fi/en(Link leads to external service) ).
4. Should those heading to the West Harbour reserve more time to get there?
The construction site arrangements during the renovation will disrupt traffic to some degree, due to which ship passengers should reserve a little more time to travel to and from the harbour.
5. Can small boats pass under the bridge during the renovation?
During the renovation, small boats cannot pass under the bridge. Once the renovation is completed, the route will be open again.
1. For how long will the new bridge remain in use?
The new bridge will remain in use for the next 100 years.
2. Once completed, will the renovation reduce congestion at the Jätkäsaari intersection?
The renovation involves building a new turning lane for vehicles turning right to the intersection from the direction of Jätkäsaari, which will improve the flow of traffic exiting Jätkäsaari.
3. The Port of Helsinki has planned to concentrate all ship traffic to Tallinn to the West Harbour in Jätkäsaari. In the 2030s, the majority of passenger traffic would flow through the West Harbour. Will a single new turning lane from Jätkäsaari be enough to reduce congestion in the intersection area?
Moving Tallinn traffic to the West Harbour would require the construction of a new harbour tunnel between the West Harbour and Länsiväylä. If such a tunnel is constructed, all heavy traffic to the harbour would travel through the tunnel in the future, reducing congestion on the Jätkäsaari isthmus bridge. For more information about the harbour tunnel and the Port Development Programme, please visit the Port of Helsinki's website(Link leads to external service) .
You can access this website also via hel.fi/jatkasaarensilta