The area is located near the Metsäläntie and Hämeenlinnanväylä intersection area. The field has been used as a snow dump site over several winters.
In the detailed plan in force, the area is designated as a hiking and recreation area. The plan amendment currently being prepared will facilitate the construction of a permanent snow dump site. The amendment is necessary, as due to the city’s densifying urban structure, several snow dump sites will be decommissioned in the coming years. The permanent snow dump site will facilitate making traffic arrangements in the area and disposing of and purifying melt water in a sustainable manner.
From the perspective of snow transport, the area is easy to reach. A new access ramp will be needed to ensure the smoothness and safety of traffic. In the current situation, snow is transported along existing recreation routes.
Melt water to be purified and directed into the Haaga creek
There are valuable forest areas north of the area, as well as a creek and its surroundings.
The nature and recreation areas located near the area are being taken into account in the planning of the permanent snow dump site. The snow stored at the dump site will slowly melt over several months in spring and summer. The melt water will pass through an effective filtering system into a discharge ditch leading to the Haaga creek. The melt water filtering system will use the latest technology to remove hazardous substances from the water very effectively. The cool water flowing into the Haaga creek in summer will improve the living conditions of the trout living in the creek.
Several snow dump sites to be decommissioned in the coming years
Helsinki currently has nine official snow dump sites, five of which will be decommissioned in the near future due to the densification of the urban structure. The construction of the new permanent snow dump site is based on the City Board’s decision on 9 October 2023 to approve a snow management development programme for 2023–2033. One objective of the programme is to increase the number of on-land snow dump sites. The objective of increasing the number of on-land snow dump sites is to abolish dumping snow into the sea by 2033.
Come see the area on 3 October
We will hold a walking tour open to all at the snow dump site on Thursday 3 October 2024. We will gather in the parking area of the Maunula hiking lodge (Metsäläntie 9) at 17.00. For the first hour, we will walk through the snow dump field while talking about the starting points and impacts of the project. Specialists from the City’s different divisions will be present. After the walk, we will have coffee at the Maunula hiking lodge, where attendees can continue their conversations until 18.30. We hope to see you there!
You can view the participation and assessment plan concerning the project between 30 September and 25 October 2024 at hel.fi/suunnitelmat and the libraries of Oulunkylä and Pohjois-Haaga. Please submit any written opinions on the participation and assessment plan and the preparatory materials to the City of Helsinki Register Office on 25 October 2024 at the latest.
Marina Fogdell
Tero Koppinen

Questions and answers
It has been estimated that the number of snow transports will increase at least threefold.
The transporting, dumping, treating and melting of snow will generate noise.
The snow dump site will be located at a traffic hub, next to the busy Hämeenlinnanväylä and Metsäläntie. Traffic noise is not expected to increase from the current situation.
The aim is to plan the arrangements and operations of the snow dump site in such a manner that recreational use of Central Park will not be hindered. The current field, i.e. the area reserved for snow dumping, will not be available for recreational use going forward.
The melt water will be purified and directed into the Haaga creek. The amount of water directed into the creek will increase when the snow melts or is melted. Debris and other impurities that could have an adverse impact on the creek will be removed from the melting or melted snow.
Trees will have to be felled around the new access ramp and potentially at the southern, south-western and north-western edges of the snow dump site. The trees near the Haaga creek will be left untouched.
Special attention is being paid in the planning of the snow dump site to monitoring the environment and how the operations will affect the local nature, water and noise levels.
- Siberian flying squirrel
- The snow dump site will not affect the core habitat of the Siberian flying squirrel located north of the area or the presence of Siberian flying squirrels in Central Park.
- Green shield-moss
- The snow dump site will not affect the green shield moss habitat located north of the area.
- The ruderate (concentration of plant and animal species in a wasteland area) located at the snow dump site
- The snow dump site will undermine the ruderate located in the area if the snow stored in the area fails to melt over the summer.
- Grove-like fresh heaths and groves
- The snow dump site may affect the grove located to the north of the area, depending on where the melt water will be directed and how many trees will be felled. For example, the vegetation of the grove may change.
- The snow dump site may slightly affect the groves and fresh heaths located to the east of the area if trees need to be felled in the area in question.

This page can also be found at hel.fi/metsalantien-lumenvastaanotto