The City of Helsinki is preparing an amendment to the local detailed plan that will enable the construction of an above-ground parking facility in Meilahti. The matter has become topical at the initiative of the HUS Group (HUS).
The parking situation in the Meilahti hospital area has been difficult for years. The number of parking spaces in the hospital area is too small compared to the need. Around 13,500 specialised health care employees work in the Meilahti area, and around half of them live outside Helsinki. Among other things, shift work makes it difficult to commute by public transport. This affects specialised health care personnel retention and availability.
HUS has previously planned to expand underground parking in the hospital area. However, recent investigations indicated that the construction of the underground parking facility would damage the hospital buildings.
Location near Paciuksenkatu
The parking facility would replace a sand field and part of the green area south of it, near Paciuksenkatu and Seurasaarentie. The field is currently used as a public parking area.
The planning will examine access options to the parking facility. These options include Paciuksenkatu and Seurasaarentie. The aim is to arrange access to and exit from the parking facility from Paciuksenkatu, which would help limit transit traffic on Seurasaarentie.

Parking facility also used by city residents
The parking facility is planned to accommodate around 380 vehicles. According to preliminary plans, the parking facility could have 4 to 5 storeys and a height of 18 metres and width 36 metres. A reference plan has been prepared for the parking facility, which contains the architects’ preliminary outlines of the building.
The parking facility would be available to HUS employees from 6 am to 5 pm. At other times of the day, other residents could also park in the facility. The purpose is that both the hospital area and the Meilahti sports park could be accessed by walking from the parking facility.
Explore plans
The project material will be available from 25 November 2024 to 8 January 2025 at hel.fi/suunnitelmat and at the Töölö and Munkkiniemi libraries. The material consists of the participation and assessment plan of the plan and the preliminary reference plan for the parking facility. Written opinions must be sent to the City of Helsinki Register Office by 8 January 2025.