
Malminkartano is a developing green residential area of around 9,000 residents that has a variety of housing types and is close to nature. It is located next to the Ring Rail Line, which is only about 16 minutes by train from the centre of Helsinki.

Image: Tuomas Uusheimo

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Malminkartano as an area

Malminkartano’s extensive green areas offer excellent opportunities for outdoor activities and recreation. The city’s longest fitness stairs to the top of the Malminkartanonhuippu artificial hill attract visitors from far and wide. Malminkartano is undergoing a major renewal with the new Pihkatie residential area, the Piianpuisto themed playground, and the renewed schools and library. Station areas will also be renovated and made more welcoming as gateways to the area.

Malminkartano is a well-rounded residential area with good transport connections, offering both apartments and detached houses. A significant part of Malminkartano was built in the 1980s, but housing construction has continued through the decades to the present day. There are direct trains from Malminkartano railway station to Helsinki city centre, Myyrmäki and the airport.

Malminkartano has outstanding opportunities for outdoor activities and exercise. The extensive park area along the Mätäjoki river offers beautiful outdoor trails and places to relax. The fitness stairs and wintertime skiing and sledging opportunities Malminkartanonhuippu attract visitors from far and wide. As for culture, the various activities offered at the nearby Kanneltalo cultural centre also extend to Malminkartano in many ways.

Together, Malminkartano and Kannelmäki make up one of Helsinki’s four suburban regeneration areas that the city will invest heavily in developing over the coming years. Suburban regeneration means long-term development of Malminkartano and Kannelmäki through infill construction and expanded services, as well as short-term measures to improve the urban environment, for example, in the station area and other public spaces.

The amendment to the local detailed plan for the Malminkartanonhuippu area came into legal effect in 2023. The land-use plan amendment enables the development of the Malminkartanonhuippu area as a versatile recreational area. There are plans for new outdoor trails and a comprehensive outdoor exercise area. More detailed planning will begin in 2025, and construction is expected to start between 2026 and 2027.

The renewal and expansion of Piianpuisto park is a major transformation project in Malminkartano. A new themed playground will be built in Piianpuisto park, which will become part of the City of Helsinki’s themed playground network. Together with the schoolyard and associated sports fields of the school undergoing renovation, Piianpuisto park will form a comprehensive area for outdoor activities, recreation and play. The target schedule for the renewal of Piianpuisto park is 2027–2029.

Kartanonhaka skatepark is set to be renovated into a large, versatile skatepark in line with Helsinki’s skatepark programme. The renovation will take into account the area’s cultural and historical features and natural values that need to be preserved. Planning for the renovation will start in 2025, with the aim of carrying out the renovation work in 2026–2027.

Small improvements are planned for the Tuohiaukio and Kehruuaukio squares on the northern side of the Malminkartano station area. These are scheduled for 2025 as a continuation of the renovations to the squares on the southern side. Malminkartano station will also undergo major renovations and refurbishment in the coming years.

The Public Area Plan for Kaarela was completed in 2024. Based on the plan, the renovation of the Pakarintupa playground in Malminkartano will be planned and carried out in the next few years, the trees planted along Kartanonkaari will be improved, and the Kartanonmäki area will be developed. 

Malminkartano Primary School will be renovated and expanded into a single comprehensive school for grades 1–9 and pre-primary school. A new extension will also be built at Malminkartano Primary School to house Apollo School, which was demolished from a nearby site. Completely new yards will also be built for the schools. The changes to the school will also involve building new facilities for Malminkartano Library in a separate new building on the edge of Puustelliaukio. Construction work on the school and library projects will start in 2026 and will progress in phases so that the renovated and expanded Malminkartano Primary School, the new Apollo School and the new Malminkartano Library will be completed by the end of 2029.

Playground Piika in Piianpuisto park will be renovated in 2026–2027.

Pihkapuisto Primary School and Daycare Kaunokki will be renovated and expanded. Construction is estimated to start in early 2026 and last until summer 2027. During construction, operations will continue in temporary pavilions at Arentikuja 3. 

Ihmisiä torilla tanssimassa ja soittamassa
Photo: Sakari Röyskö


Local detailed plans determine the land use of an area, for example, where apartments, offices, parks, streets and other roads will be built.

Malminkartano plans on the map - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)

Traffic connections

Malminkartano is located near excellent public traffic connections. From the Malminkartano train station, the airport and the city centre can be reached by train along the Ring Rail Line. 

Kartanonhaan viljelypalsta Malminkartanossa
Photo: Ville Lehvonen


Malminkartano has all the necessary local services: day-care centres, schools, convenience stores, a health centre, a library and a youth centre. The nearest shopping centres can be found in the neighbouring Kannelmäki and Myyrmäki. 
Malminkartano has great sports and green facilities: neighbourhood parks, playgrounds, outdoor recreation areas along the Mätäjoki River and the western green fingers as well as Malminkartanonhuippu. Ball fields and ice rink as well as the Myyrmäki and Lassila sports parks are also nearby.

Malminkartano services on the servicemap - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)

Contact information

Max Takala

Project Director
Malminkartano urban development

Assi Rautanen

project engineer
Malminkartano urban development

Jaakko Haavisto

project coordinator
Malminkartano urban development

Suvi Tyynilä

team leader
Detail planning

Juha Väisänen

team leader

Ville Andersson

team leader