Organisations, associations and foundations are important partners for Helsinki. Through organisations, Helsinki residents participate and are involved in building a city where everyone can lead their own way of life with functioning everyday routines.
Cooperation with organisations is coordinated by the City Executive Office. Cooperation is pursued with different sectors in a networked manner. An organisation advisory board(Link leads to external service) was established in Helsinki in 2023 to ensure the ability of organisations to participate and influence.
This page contains information on contact persons for cooperation between organisations, links to pages containing information on grants and premises as well as a newsletter for organisations.
Find your contact person
If you are interested in cooperation with the City of Helsinki, you can contact the relevant division directly. Emails are in the format firstname.lastname @ hel.fi
Titta Reunanen, Partnership Manager
Veera Vilkama, Organisation Cooperation Development Manager
Veli-Matti Hurtig, Grant Allocation Development Manager
Leena Palve-Kaunisto, Service Manager (email Leena Palve)
Hanna Keränen, Financial Planner
Tiina Antila-Lehtonen, Interaction Specialist
Taika Tuunanen, Head of Unit
Culture: Ulla K Bergström, Partnership Manager
Sports: Taina Korell, Head of Unit
Youth: Markku Toivonen, Partnership Manager
Volunteering: Eliisa Saarinen, Development planner
Gerontological Social Work: Marko Timonen, Manager
Home Care: Suvi Kan, Head of Home Care
Family and Social Services: Marianne Neijonen, Coordinator
Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Services: Joonas Munck, Special Designer, peer and lived experience expert
Senior Info: Nina Arekari, Information Manager
Senior centres: Sari Hedman, Manager