Our Advisory services will not be available in the office on 1–31 July. You can contact us by phone and email at koulutusneuvonta@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program)  and via the feedback system(Link leads to external service).

Education Division advisory services

Education Division's advisory services team provides general guidance about the division's services and enrolling.

You can reach us by phone, email, feedback form or come visit us at the Education Division offices.
We give free-of-charge advisory service in Finnish and English. You can have the service in any other language via an interpretation service.

You can ask us about:
-early childhood education (daycare centres, group family daycare and club activities)
-playground activities
-basic education (comprehensive schools, after-schools activities and school admission)
-general upper secondary schools and vocational education and training
-enrolling to the City of Helsinki education services

Education Division's advisory services, service channels

Use the online service

Education Division feedback form

Open every day

Call us

Education Division telephone service

Open Mon-Fri 10-12, Mon-Fri 13-15
Call charge: standard telephone charges apply

Service points

Education division, Administration

Address: Työpajankatu 8, 00580 Helsinki