Optional extra grant application for after-school activity organisers

Optional extra grants awarded in accordance with the Education Committee's guidelines for organisers of afternoon activities as specified in the Basic Education Act.

An optional extra grant can be applied for by afternoon activity organisations, parishes, foundations, communities and private service providers, which have been awarded an operating grant from the Education Division for organising afternoon activities as specified in the Basic Education Act.

Apply for an optional extra grant application for after-school activity organisers

Apply for a grant online.

How the process works

1. Discuss the need for additional funding with the Education Division.
2. The Education Division processes the application and makes a proposition concerning an optional extra appropriation.
3. The optional extra grant decision is made by the Head of Finance and planning services.
4. Information about the decision will be sent to the applicant and the grant awarded is paid to the bank account of the applicant foundation in accordance with the city's grant guidelines.

Processing time

About one month.

Validity period

Once an application has been sent in, it is valid until the decision has been made or until it has been cancelled.

Use the online service

Apply for an optional extra grant

Service available every day around the clock
Requires authentication.

Service point

Helsinki city hall seen from the front view.

City of Helsinki Register Office

Address: Pohjoisesplanadi 11–13, 00170 Helsinki