This year, too, the tennis courts in Helsinki can be booked for summer 2021 through the City’s shared facility reservation service, Varaamo, starting from Monday, 3 May, at 9 am. Tennis court reservations via Varaamo cost €3.50 per 30 minutes.
Booking of tennis courts in Helsinki through Varaamo first became available last summer, when nearly 3,000 reservations were made in total. Based on the reservations, the most popular courts were in Lauttasaari and Herttoniemi, and the most popular days for playing tennis were Wednesday and Sunday. The most active tennis player booked a court up to 32 times.
Via Varaamo, you can book tennis courts at ten different facilities: The sport parks of Arabianranta, Herttoniemi, Jakomäki, Kannelmäki, Kontula, Kurkimäki, Lauttasaari, Puistola, Pukinmäki and Tapulikaupunki. There are a total of 18 tennis courts available for reservation and their numbers vary depending on the location. The courts available for reservation are shown on the facilities’ signboards, and all facilities have at least one court that is not included in the electronic facility reservation system. Additionally, the tennis courts in Siltamäki and Ala-Malmi will be added into the Varaamo system over the summer, with more detailed information about their schedule available later.
In previous years, tennis courts were reserved on-site and by queuing. Unused outdoor tennis courts can still be used free of charge on a first-come-first served-basis, provided that there are no players present who have reserved an individual time slot.
The outdoor tennis courts in Helsinki are usually open to residents 8 am–9 pm, and up to 10 pm in many places.
varaamo.hel.fi https://varaamo.hel.fi/(Link leads to external service)
All tennis courts in Helsinki: https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kulttuuri-ja-vapaa-aika/liikunta/ulkoliikuntapaikat/tenniskentat/