Plot lease invoicing

This page contains information on how a tenant of a plot leased from the City of Helsinki takes care of matters related to the lease agreement.

If you want to change your invoicing address or due date or ask about invoicing criteria, please contact the Land Property Development and Plots service. In matters concerning individual invoices, please contact the City of Helsinki's financial management service.

Change address

Additional information

If you wish to file a change of address by post, please send a notification of it to the address

Helsingin kaupunki
Maaomaisuuden kehittäminen ja tontit
PL 58213

Call us

File a change of address by phone

Open Mon-Fri 10-14
Call charge: standard telephone charges apply

Change invoice due date

If you want to change the due date of the land lease invoice, please fill in the form below. Submit the signed form by e-mail or by post or bring it to the Urban Environment Division's customer service point (Työpajankatu 8, 1st floor). Write on the envelope "change of due date".

Additional information

You can also send the form by post to the address

Helsingin kaupunki, kaupunkiympäristön toimiala
Maaomaisuuden kehittäminen ja tontit
PL 58213


Service point

Kaupunkiympäristön toimitalo katutasosta kuvattuna.

Urban Environment Division, Customer Services

Address: Työpajankatu 8, 00580 Helsinki