Municipality's statement to ARA in construction projects

You can apply for state subsidies for some construction and renovation projects, either as an interest-subsidised loan or a guaranteed loan. You need a favourable statement from the municipality to apply.

The Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland (ARA) grants state subsidies and grants to institutional customers and renovation subsidies to private customers.

Every year, ARA publishes the ARA Subsidies Guide, which contains important information about loans, interest subsidies and grants available for the purchase, construction and renovation of owner-occupied and rental apartments.

You need a statement from the municipality for the following applications to ARA:
- Short-term interest-subsidised loan for new construction
- Interest-subsidised loans for the construction of rental and right-of-occupancy housing
- Interest-subsidised loans for the renovation of rental and right-of-occupancy housing
- Interest-subsidised loan for the purchase of rental apartments or rental housing
- Guaranteed loans for rental housing
- Guaranteed loan for the renovation of housing companies
- Investment grant and interest-subsidised loan for special groups. In addition to the municipality's statement, you need a separate statement from social welfare and healthcare services that assesses the need for the project. You will receive the statement in connection with the municipality's statement.

Without a favourable statement from the municipality, the project cannot receive a conditional reservation from ARA. The statement takes a position on the suitability of the project for the municipal housing stock and the housing market situation.

Apply for a grant and a statement from the municipality

You need a municipality statement for a construction or renovation project for which you have applied for a state grant or subsidy from ARA.

Once the project plan for the site has been completed, submit the application documents through ARA's online service. Through the service, ARA requests a statement from the municipality.

The city issues its statement about the project and submits it to ARA. The applicant sees the statement in ARA's online service.

We will provide the statement within two weeks of receiving the required documents.

Processing time

We will provide the statement within two weeks of receiving the required documents.

Use the online service

Apply for a grant on ARA's website

Call us

Request more information about the municipality's statements by phone

Call charge: standard telephone charges apply