Terrain marking and reviews

Order a terrain marking and ground review at the beginning of the construction phase. Order other reviews to be carried out during construction, such as the location review, structural review, ventilation review and final review, as needed and as work on the site progresses.

The building permit provides for the necessary reviews and inspections. The reviews specify whether the measures, checks and surveys relating to a particular construction phase have been carried out. The reviews that have been carried out are indicated in the inspection document.

Before starting the construction work, the following must be carried out:

- ground review, once the excavation and quarrying work for the foundations has been carried out and the pile-driving or the filling or reinforcement of the base has been performed.

- terrain marking, where the location and elevation of the building are marked on the plot.

During the construction phase, the following must be carried out:

- location review to ensure that the location, elevation and main dimensions of the building are in accordance with the approved drawings. The geothermal location review surveys the starting points of drilling and verifies that the wells have been drilled in accordance with the permits. The review must be carried out before the wells are covered.

- structural review, once the load-bearing structures and the related water, moisture, sound and heat insulation work and fire safety work have been completed.

- ventilation reviews, once the ventilation system has been completed.

- water and sewerage system reviews, once the water and sewerage system has been completed.

- partial final review (often a commissioning review)

- final review to ensure that all construction work according to the plans and the building permit conditions has been completed.

Order a terrain marking or location inspection

Order a terrain marking or location inspection of a building by sending an email to kymp.kami.asiakaspalvelu@hel.fi. When ordering a geothermal location review, please submit a drilling report to kymp.maalampo@hel.fi.

Email or visit us to place your order. Our customer service is open Mon-Tue 8.15-12.00 and Wed-Fri 12.00-15.00. We provide service with a queueing number. If you want to place an order on the spot, please book an appointment with customer service in advance by calling

Processing time

We will usually carry out the terrain marking and location inspection within 1-2 weeks.

Additional information

Please include the following information with your order:

- Address of the site

- Building permit identification number

- Property identifier

- Lupapiste identification number

- Customer name and contact information

Please attach the following information to your order for invoicing purposes:

- Payer's name (company name and contact person's name, for private orders the payer's name is sufficient)

- Payer's address

- Business ID or personal identity number

- E-invoicing details, if e-invoicing is desired.

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the customer service of City Survey Services

Open Mon-Tue 08:15-12, Wed-Fri 12-15
Call charge: standard telephone charges apply

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Order a terrain marking for the site once you have been granted a building permit.

The corner points are staked out with wooden poles based on your order. You can also order a terrain marking with auxiliary points.

In addition, two elevation markers will be brought to the site, indicating the elevation of the marker and the name of the surveyor.

The elevation is specified by levelling, starting from an elevation reference point and ending at another elevation reference point or another point whose elevation is known.

The elevation figures according to the N2000 height system, introduced in Helsinki at the end of 2012, are 30.5 cm higher than those of the previous NN system. In construction projects, it must always be clear which height system the elevation figures are based on. 

Read more detailed instructions: Terrain marking (PDF, in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)

You can order a location review once the building’s foundations have been completed.

You can only continue construction after it has been ensured in the review that the location and elevation of the building are in accordance with the confirmed master drawings.

The location review is performed using the approved master drawings. The location review certificate on the size, elevation and location of the building is stored in the project information at  Lupapiste(Link leads to external service) .

Read more detailed instructions: Location review (PDF, in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)

If you want to start using a partially completed building, you can order a final review of the building or part thereof in stages.

Building Control may stipulate in advance that certain parts of the façade work and yard work must be completed before the building is approved for use. The area remaining as a worksite must be separated from the areas to be taken into use.

The part to be approved for use must comply with all building regulations relating to safety and health.

The final review may set a deadline for the completion of the work.

A building or part thereof can be taken into use when the required reviews have been performed, the inspections have been carried out and the building or part thereof has been approved for use in the final review. 

Please contact Building Control in good time before the final review. The final review must be carried out before the end of the validity period of the building permit. We will charge a separate fee according to the building control rates for reviews and other actions performed after the end of the permit period.

You can order a final review once you have informed Building Control that the following steps have been completed:

  1. The construction work has been completed in accordance with the building permit and the building regulations and decrees.
  2. The reviews and inspections ordered by the building control authority and the measures required by them have been completed.
  3. Inspections that are based on other laws and have a significant impact on the safety of the building have been carried out and the measures required by them have been completed.
  4. The necessary entries have been made in the inspection document and a summary of the inspection document has been submitted to Building Control.
  5. The operating and maintenance instructions for the building are sufficiently complete and can be delivered to the owner of the building.
  6. A permit in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act, if necessary for the activities in accordance with the purpose of the building, has become legally valid.

Ensure that the requirements indicated in the permit decision conditions are met before the building is taken into use (for example, construction of parking spaces and civil defence shelters, establishment of easements and joint arrangement agreements).

You must update the energy certificate of the new building by the time of commissioning to match the implementation. In the commissioning review, present to the inspector the commissioning inspection record for electrical installations prepared by the electrical contractor.

The operating and maintenance instructions for the building must be ready when the building is commissioned.

If the building is taken into use without the required final review, Building Control may ban its use.

If necessary, the following documents must be presented at the final review:

  • lift inspection record
  • completion record of district heating installations
  • records of inspections by the Rescue Department (civil defence shelters, special fire inspection, oil heating, sprinkler system, etc.)
  • inspection certificate (fire alarm)
  • certificate about the putting up of insolvency security
  • construction notification to the Tax Administration
  • any other official inspection certificate required.

In special cases (operating rooms, explosive atmospheres), a certificate from an inspector or inspection body authorised by the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency must also be presented.

The inspection document ensures that the construction is appropriate and verifies that the required inspections have been carried out on the site. 

The inspection document is presented to Building Control at the commencement meeting or, if the commencement meeting is not specified in the building permit, an account of the inspection document is made in connection with the commencement notification.

According to the progress of the work, the persons stipulated in the building permit or agreed at the commencement meeting as being responsible for inspections during the construction phases and the persons carrying out inspections during the work phases verify their inspection in the inspection document. The inspection document may be supplemented by photographs of risky work phases.

In the final review, a summary of the inspection document is handed over to the building control authority.
