Helsinki’s Air Quality and Noise Abatement Plan 2024–2029

Helsinki’s new Air Quality and Noise Abatement Plan (ILME) has been published. The plan combines the city’s objectives and measures regarding air protection and noise abatement for the next five years.
Ilmakuva Mannerheimintiestä
Photo: Roni Rekomaa

The vision for 2040 presented in the ILME plan is that the air quality and soundscape of Helsinki are excellent. The plan covers the period of 2024–2029, featuring ten objectives that the City will pursue through nearly 40 measures. The measures focus particularly on preventing street dust and emissions from small-scale wood burning, as well as reducing traffic noise.

The air quality in Helsinki has improved over the last few decades, and it is fairly good at an international level. However, street dust, exhaust fumes from traffic and small-scale wood burning continue to have adverse impacts on people’s health and the pleasantness of the environment.

The proportion of Helsinki residents living in noisy areas has slightly increased over the past few decades. Traffic is the primary source of harmful noise and, according to the City’s noise survey conducted in 2022, 39 percent of Helsinki residents live in areas where the noise level caused by road traffic exceeds the limit value of 55 dB during the day. 

Residents' means of influence

Air protection and noise abatement require cooperation between the city and residents. Below are tips on how you can contribute to the air quality and soundscape of Helsinki and reduce your exposure to air pollution and noise.

  • Choose sustainable modes of transport: walking, cycling and public transport.
  • Avoid unnecessary driving. If you drive, follow the speed limits and drive in a steady manner.
  • When purchasing a new car, pay attention to its emissions. An electric car is a good choice.
  • Opt for non-studded winter tyres.
  • In the spring, move your car in good time when street cleaning is scheduled.
  • Burn only clean and dry wood in your fireplace. The burning of waste is prohibited.
  • Light and use your fireplace correctly: read more on Helsinki Region Environmental Services HSY's website(Link leads to external service)  
  • Store wood dry in a ventilated woodshed and make sure that your chimney is swept regularly. 

  • Install high-performance supply air filters in your home and replace them at least twice per year.
  • Avoid outdoor activities near busy roads.
  • You can also wear a respirator during the street dust season if you wish. In this case, choose an FFP2 respirator.
  • Keep your windows closed during the street dust season and ventilate your home from the inner courtyard side.
  • Dry your laundry indoors and clean any dust indoors.
  • Make use of less busy streets and green spaces on your way to and from work and school.
  • Enjoy the quiet and peaceful areas of the city.
  • Improve the soundproofing of windows and the ventilation of your home when carrying out major renovations.
  • Before moving into a new neighbourhood, check the noise and air quality conditions in the area. 

Campaign video

Campaing video

Essential winter accessory – stud-cancelling headphones!

Contact us 

If you want to know more about the ILME plan, contact us by e-mail at opens default mail program) .