Background and objectives of the project
The population of northeastern Helsinki will grow significantly in the coming decades. The most significant residential development areas will be Malminkenttä area, Malmi centre and Keski-Viikki.
The new Viikki-Malmi light rail line will strengthen the public transport connections and their liability in all northeastern Helsinki. The route connects traffic hubs and residential and office areas as well as extend rail services to new areas.
The new light rail would also support Helsinki's goal of shifting the focus of public transport to emission-free, high-quality and accessible rail transport.
The cost estimate of the first phase investment of the light rail is approximately EUR 339 million. The cost estimate of the second phase investment is approximately EUR 99 million.
The route of the light rail
The alignment of the Viikki-Malmi light rail runs from Kumpula through Kustaa Vaasan tie and along Lahdenväylä to the area of Viikin Latokartano, crosses Kehä I there and continues along the new Ilmasilta over Lahdenväylä to the Malminkenttä area. Routes have been planned from Malminkenttä for the light rail both to Malmi Hospital and Jakomäki and further to Vaarala in Vantaa. The light rail would be built all the way to Malmi Hospital in the first phase. The second implementation phase would continue the light rail from Malminkenttä to Jakomäki and Vaarala.
The travel time from Helsinki Railway Station to Kumpula is 17 minutes, to Viikin tiedepuisto 24 minutes and to Malminkenttä 35 minutes. The project includes 8.6 km of new light rail from Kumpula to Malminkenttä, 4 km from Malminkenttä to Vaarala and 2.6 km from Malminkenttä to Malmi Hospital. In the two-branch option, the total length of the new light rail is 15.2 kilometres.

Preliminary timetable for the project
Approval of the general plan autumn 2024
The project planning of the first phase
The project decision
The implementation planning
Light rail construction 2028–2032