Kallahti renewal

Kallahti in Vuosaari will be renewed comprehensively in the next few years. The city will draw up planning principles to, for example, examine the type of additional construction and daycare centre facilities suitable for Kallahti.
Vaaleita kerrostaloja talvisessa maisemassa.

The planning principles concern the complementary construction and the development of services, traffic, recreational areas and green connections in Kallahti. The planning principles, as such, do not determine the construction of the area, but they serve as the basis for plan revisions and development projects in the area.

Complementary construction

The city aims to increase the population and the share of owner-occupied and right-of-occupancy housing in the Kallahti area. With new construction allocated to existing plots, it is possible to avoid building in parks and to finance the renovation of existing buildings.

Daycare centre facilities

 The construction of a new daycare centre is planned on the Kajuutta daycare centre’s plot. We will also determine which of the smaller daycare centres will be closed if any. The aim is to develop Kallahti’s daycare centre network to meet future needs.

Squares, streets and parks

Traffic and lighting planning will improve the safety and comfort of squares, streets and parks. The aim is to leave the shore areas for common use and to develop a beach promenade and meeting places by the seashore. The maritime nature of Kallahti will be utilised as an attraction factor by supporting maritime activities and livelihoods.

Nature and green areas

The planning of Kallahti strengthens the green connections with consideration of the area’s plant and animal species and biodiversity. People are directed to use marked, concentrated routes in the nature reserve. The planning principles also consider the Kallahti bat habitat and the groundwater catchment area.

Traffic and mobility

Sustainable forms of mobility are supported in Kallahti by developing pedestrian and cycling routes. In the future, parking can be concentrated in parking facilities. The parking norms will also be examined for possible revision, which would reduce the number of parking spaces available in the area.


Karttakuva, johon merkitty Kallahden suunnitteluperiaatteiden alue.
  1. Goals and starting points for the planning principles

    Participation and evaluation plan available for viewing and comments from 6 February to 3 March 2023

  2. Participation possibilities for residents

    Workshops and meetings will be arranged if needed.

  3. Completion of the planning principles

    Available for viewing and comments at the end of 2023.

  4. Planning principles for decision-making

    Presented to the Urban Environment Committee in early 2024.

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