The former railway area between East and West Pasila now houses the finished Tripla central block, Pasila station, and the renovated Pasila Bridge, connecting the East and West sides. The Ratapihakorttelit (Rail Yard Quarters) under construction in the railway area will further connect the two areas. Middle Pasila’s Rail Yard Quarters will be built between 2018 and 2030 near excellent public transport and services on the north side of Pasila’s new centre, Tripla.
The 14-hectare Rail Yard Quarters will provide diverse urban housing for 3,200 city residents and offices for as many as 1,000 workers. The blocks will have day-care centres along with Pasila’s primary school for grades 1–9.
The height of the buildings will range from 6 to 15 stories, and the southern area bordering the central block will have taller buildings. The area’s public exterior space will also have art.
The Pasila Tower Area will be built on the south side of Pasila Bridge. The Keskitorni (Middle Tower) office building being built between Veturitie and the railway will connect the central block and Veturitallit (old roundhouse area) together. The area’s western towers will also have housing with incredible views. The area’s three eastern towers will be built on a thin strip of land on the east side of the tracks, connecting Middle Pasila to Savonkatu and Alppiharju.
Middle Pasila’s Rail Yard Quarters
The Pasila Tower Area
Contact information
Coordination of construction and planning
Helsinki City Executive Office neighbourhood construction
Päivi Ahlroos, Project Manager
paivi.ahlroos (@) hel.fi
Puh. (09) 310 23661