There is an evening organised for Pre-year students' parents/guardians at the start of the school year to meet with the teachers and each other.
A second pre-year parents' meeting is usually scheduled for January, where we discuss IB Diploma subject choices.
Open Doors sessions for 9th graders and their parents/guardians will be arranged for information on our IB section and application procedures.
The two years of the Diploma Programme (DP1 and DP2)
- Most of the crucial information about the school is available in the Study Guide (link to the Study Guide is available on the main page of the Wilma system). We hope you take the time to browse through its contents.
- Wilma is our main channel of communication with parents/guardians. Therefore, it is important to access Wilma on a regular basis for:
- Messages
— Absences
— Daily schedules
— Report cards etc.
Please, notice that parents/guardians cannot access Wilma any more once the student turns 18 unless the student gives permission for the continued use of Wilma.
3) Handbook for May Examination Session (unique for each examination session)
a. Can be accessed in Wilma – permanent links
b. Explains in detail the DP programme
— The programme in general
— Content of subjects
— Assessment component
— Core (CAS, Extended Essay, TOK)
4. Calendar on our Study guide contains important dates for the students
5. The school sends a Wilma-message at the beginning of each term which contains general information regarding each particular term. It also contains short descriptions of the content of each course in each subject for that term.
6. The school sends a message each term via Wilma once assessment is complete. You can access the most recent report card in Wilma. The message also gives instructions regarding e.g. retakes.
Main differences between the Diploma Programme and the Finnish National Programme
- Official Diploma Programme is only 2 years long.
- Diploma programme offers each course only once per academic year.
- Assessment grades 1-7
- In addition to the final examinations in May the students need to complete various research papers in each of their subjects + the required core elements in order to pass the diploma
- The DP Programme does not allow independent studying
- Once student has more than three absences/course they need to contact the subject teacher to discuss whether there is something they need to do to compensate for the missed teaching
- If 1/3 of the lessons/course are missed or if absences continue for several terms the school has the right to remove the student from the course if necessary. In this case it means the student needs to retake the year.
- Due to this the head principal will not allow leave of absences that are more than 5 weekdays long
The academic year of a Ressu student
DP studies are often more demanding than during pre-year and it can take time to get used to it. As a result the grades for term 1 might be lower than expected but do not necessarily reflect the future grades.
CAS (Creativity, Activity and Service) starts. Students do CAS outside lessons.
Extended Essay is submitted and we have an EE celebration. Students usually are very happy because it is a big research project which has required a lot of time and effort on their part.
Internal Assessment deadlines in each subject (usually draft and final submission deadlines). They are scattered across the academic year but unfortunately some overlapping cannot be avoided. These research papers are done in each subject and are a part of the final assessment along with the final examinations in May. They are submitted for external assessment in the spring.
First set of Predicted Grades given – used mainly in the application process for foreign universities.
Students are pre-registered for their May Final Examination Session. The registration details will be checked and edited if needed during DP2 Term 2 when final registration takes place.
TOK exhibition.
IA deadlines continue.
Some languages have their Individual Orals recorded (see more detailed dates on school calendar).
Final registration for May Examination Session done. Due to free compulsory education the school will pay the first examination session fees. After the registration deadline changes to the registration details will cost extra (personal details can be edited without additional fees).
Parents/Guardians’ info sessions during Open Doors Day for both DP1 and DP2.
Students start their Extended Essays projects.
CAS checked before Christmas holiday.
Collaborative Sciences project (CSP) takes place during the exam week. All DP1 students participate in CSP. The students won't get grades from this project, but they must attend to pass to get the Diploma.
CAS checked before Christmas holiday.
Individual Orals recorded during exam week in several languages.
Extended Essay process continues.
Final set of Predicted Grades given – for the IBO, also used when applying to Finnish universities.
MOCK exams.
CAS completed.
Extended Essay process continues.
CAS checked before Summer holiday.
Independent study leave.
Voluntary extra sessions in each subject for revision.
Final Examinations in May.
Results released in July.
Graduation in late August.
The IB Organisation offers general information for parents on the IB programmes, university applications and supporting your children during their studies: leads to external service)
The management board of an upper secondary school consists of parent and staff representatives as well as pupil representatives aged 18 or over. Pupil representatives under the age of 18 may have the right to attend and speak at management board meetings.
The duties of school management boards are defined in the City of Helsinki’s administrative regulations.
The duties of school management boards include annually approving the action plan based on the curriculum of the upper secondary school, excluding annual working hours. The school management board also approves the school regulations of the upper secondary school or issues other rules and regulations applied at the school.
In addition to this, a school management board can suspend an upper secondary school pupil for a maximum of one month and decide that the expulsion can be put into effect before the decision becomes non-appealable, as well as decide on an upper secondary school pupil’s right to participate in teaching if the pupil is under preliminary investigation due to being suspected of a crime.
The school management board’s minutes will be published on this website after each meeting as soon as the minutes have been reviewed. Meetings are held in Finnish and minutes are only available in Finnish.
Management board members 1.10.2022-30.9.2025
Members (and deputive members)
Parents' representatives
- Leena Nissilä, Chairman (Anna Salonen)
- Johanna Nurmesniemi, Dept. Chairman (Ari Törrönen)
- Kaisla Lahdensuo (Pekka Salmi)
- Jaana Rautava (Maria Juusela)
- Teppo Turkki ()
Teachers' representatives
- Tiia Tempakka (Susanna Moksunen)
- Mika Spåra (Jukka Hatakka)
Representatives of other personnel
- Tarja Ryan (Klaus Kiljunen)
- Emmi Aen (Camilla Kautonen)
- Veikka Ormio (Laura Palmén)
Minutes in Finnish
Can be found from the Finnish pages.