Diploma subjects

During the pre-year, the students choose the six subjects they will study in the Diploma Programme from the 6 subject groups.

  1. Language A: English A Language and Literature, Finnish A Literature (or a self-taught language A literature)
  2. Language B/ab initio: English B, Finnish B, French B, German ab initio (or two languages A from group 1!)
  3. Individuals and Societies: History, Psychology, Economics, ESS (Environmental Systems and Societies) 
  4. Experimental Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Physics,  ESS (Environmental Systems and Societies)
  5. Mathematics: Mathematics: Analysis & Approaches (HL/SL) or Mathematics: Applications & Interpretation (SL)
  6. Electives: Another subject from groups 2, 3 or 4.

Over the course of the two years the students

  • study six IB subjects
  • write an Extended Essay of about 4,000 words in a Diploma subject
  • follow a course in Theory of Knowledge
  • plan and implement their own CAS programme (Creativity, Activity, Service)

Three or four of the subjects taken must be studied at higher level (HL), the others at standard level (SL)

The Diploma Programme is also committed to the development of students according to the IB learner profile.  Find out more about the profile(Link leads to external service)