How to apply

The application period for our IB preparatory year in 2024 is 20.2.–19.3.2024. The applications are submitted in the national joint application system by 15:00 on the last day. There is no entrance examination. Applicants from Finnish comprehensive schools are admitted based on their GPA only. Others need to submit additional documentation in addition to the online application. Please contact Admissions Coordinator if you have questions!

In spring 2024 joint application, there were 507 applicants applying for the 120 study places in the preparatory year of our IB section. 
Of these applicants, 151 applied for the max 25 places in the discretionary quota (= applicants coming from other school systems than the Finnish comprehensive school).

The application period for our IB preparatory year in 2024 is 20.2.–19.3.2024. The applications are submitted in the national joint application system by 15:00 on the last day.

There is no entrance examination.

Applicants are normally chosen based on their Finnish comprehensive school GPAs in the Opintopolku system. This is why applicants from abroad who do not get a school-leaving certificate from a Finnish comprehensive school will need to choose the option "applying with a non-Finnish educational background" in their online application to show that no Finnish GPA is available. In addition they need to send their previous school grades and other application documents directly to the school for consideration (or upload the documents into Opintopolku when they apply online).

The names of the admitted students will be published on our website . The admitted students will also  receive an email.

The names of the 120 admitted pre-year applicants will be published here at 8 am on 13.6.2024:

10 students have forbidden the publication of their names. 
Ali, Maida Daud
Alsabbagh, Adnan
Asghar, Fajr
Aziz, Matti Yehezkel
Bernatavicius, Dziugas
Bernatavicius, Joris
Bhattacharyya, Srishti
Borger, Ella Amanda
Brown, Cameron Matthias
Burhan, Mohammed
Cesnaityte, Jogaile
Degrande, Suvi Ann-Sophie
Desai, Preisha Ashish
Donner, Fiona
Eteläaho, Ronja Leena Tuulikki
Fardous, Fahiyan
Ghumman, Emaan Saeed
Giridhar, Varchas
Goncharov Dias, Aleksandre Octávio
Gremiacheva, Daria
Gronow, Alexis Gustav
Gunturu, Nikhil Reddy
Hakkarainen, Tuli Simeon
Hasani, Elahe
Heino, Aada Olivia
Heinonen, Henrikki Alvar
Hobbs, Sofia Melissa Maria
Huovinen, Essi Sofia
Huseva, Anastasiya
Isokorpi, Selena Tuovi
Jannah, Sneha
Jylhä, Oskar August
Kadam, Aditi Bapurao
Kafle, Ishan
Kalenius, Emma Katriina
Kara, Zeynep Mina
Kaupinmäki, Henri Matias
Kauranen, Aino Annikki
Kavasheri Veetil, Lakshith
Kazakova, Elizaveta
Khaliq, Rafia
Kogan, Nikita
Kosonen, Jetta Janni Emilia
Kouhi, Ines Wilhelmina
Kryshko, Sofiia
Kuosmanen, Matias Juuso Ilmari
Kurdina, Mariia
Kyttälä, Edit Ellen
Laine, Aake Olavi
Laine, Lina Elizabet
Lautso, Karl Andreas Alvar
Lehos, Leo Milo Anton
Leskelä, Saima Greta
Lihtonen, Sydney Maija Jane
Liimakka, Oula Anar
Lind, Carolina
Länkinen, Lilla Lumia Tinttarella
Marin, Lila Juliana
Matinpalo, Nooa Väinö Antinpoika
Miettinen, Markus Aleksander
Mitina, Alisa
Morajkar, Sara Vaibhav
Muilu, Iida Eerika
Mäkelä, Rafael Urho
Mäkelä, Sofia Alexandra
Mäkeläinen, Mark Alex
Nadimpalli, Anwita
Naimpalli, Swaraa
Nevolainen, Erik
Nguyen, Quynh Linh
Niittymies, Kauko Olavi
Niki, Satoko
Nilsson, Saara Karoliina
Norppa, Johannes
Nuh, Kamila
Nyman, Juho Elias
Okabe, Takasumi
Omandam, Carl Joseph Francis
Owsianików, Daniel
Patja, Emilia Wilhelmiina
Pitkänen, Maria
Playle, Amber
Raittila, Ronja Eveliina
Raninen, Emmi Anna Julia
Ryynänen, Kristiina Meiya
Salnikova, Polina
Salonen, Felix Johan
Schulz, Arvi Alexander
Seilonen, Lumi Tarida
Sember, Ava Olivia
Seppälä, Ilona Iisa Maria
Shah, Aarav Prashant
Singh, Janvi
Sipakko, Oskari Alvian
Sysmäläinen, Sofia Nevena Eleonora
Talikota, Ishitha
Tandefelt-Kauste, Eero Juho Oskari
Tarhala, Lumi-Emilie Henriette
Taskinen Cazorla, Emily
Tuomela, Henri Juho Jiajie
Tuomola, Anni Iiris Olivia
Umarani, Ayushi Arvind
Vaskivuo, Lauri Olavi Eemeli
Vilja, Malla Matilda
Vuoksenturja, Rosa Lumi Alisia
Wang, Chuhan
Yan, Ziyi
Zengin, Zeynep Eylül
Zhang, Youwen
Åvall, Ida Wilhelmina Elisabeth


Confirming your study place:

  • If you have applied from a Finnish comprehensive school (suomalaisella peruskoulutodistuksella hakeneet):

In order to confirm your study place, we kindly ask you to accept the place online via the Opintopolku/Studyinfo system before 10:00 on Fri 14.6.2024 so that we can proceed with the practical issues. 
NB! The study place must have been accepted by 27 June at the latest.

  • If you have applied from abroad or with a school report that is not from a Finnish comprehensive school (eg International School of Helsinki and European School of Helsinki):

In order to confirm your study place, we kindly ask you to reply to the email sent to you AND accept the place online (if possible) via the Opintopolku/Studyinfo system before 10:00 on 14.6.2024 so that we can proceed with the practical issues. NB! The study place must have been accepted by 27 June at the latest.

In case of major problems, contact deputy principal Pia-Helena Bär ( for advice.

Ressun lukio is an upper secondary school that offers its students studies either in the Finnish-language lukio or in the English-language IB Diploma Programme. It is owned by the city of Helsinki. 

The annual intake in the IB Diploma section is 120 students/year. They are admitted for the preparatory year preceding the 2-year Diploma Programme. At least 95 applicants/year will come from Finnish comprehensive schools. In addition to this, there is an extra admission quota of up to 25 students applying from other countries or school systems. 

All applicants to the preparatory year apply via the national online application system run by the National Board of Education. 

Students applying from Finnish comprehensive schools are chosen based on their grade point average of the academic subjects from the previous school. The Opintopolku online system sends the names of admitted applicants to the school. 

Students applying from other school systems and countries: the final selection is based on the applicants’ previous academic performance, motivation and references. Special attention will be paid to the applicants’ grades in Mathematics, English and the mother tongue/first language. These students must have a valid reason for needing an English-language study place in Helsinki. 

During the pre-year the students will get acquainted with all the subjects taught in the two-year Diploma Programme in our school. They will be given guidance on how to choose Diploma subjects that will help them in their future university studies. All students who pass the pre-year courses with acceptable grades will be able to proceed to our Diploma programme. 

Applicants can also be admitted directly to the 2-year Diploma Programme if places have become available during the pre-year. The school will consider applicants’ previous academic performance, motivation and references to decide on their suitability for the programme. 

Ressun lukio IB section/Application info for 2024


Open Doors Days:

Open Doors Days for 9th graders (and their parents/guardians) planning to apply to our IB section will take place as follows:

Thu 11.1.2024 at 14:00 
Thu 18.1.2024 at 15:30  
Tue 23.1.2024 at 14:00 
Mon 5.2. 2024 at 15:00 

Our admission coordinator and some current students will tell you about the IB Diploma Programme section in Ressun lukio and the application procedure.
The sessions last for about an hour and they will take place in the 1st-floor cafeteria space in our Ruoholahdenkatu 23 building.

Application process:

All pre-year applicants must apply via yhteishaku (the National Joint Application) Opintopolku system.

The website only accepts applications submitted during the official application period 20.2.–19.3.2024. The applications must have been submitted by 15:00 on the last day.

There is no entrance examination. 


The list of successful applicants will be published in mid-June, at the same time with all Finnish upper secondary schools.

The list will be posted on the school doors and webpage, unless you have forbidden the publication of your name. In addition, an acceptance letter will be sent to your home.

If you have been accepted, you must confirm your study place by the deadline given!

Compulsory education continues for ninth-graders from autumn 2021  

As of 2021, the compulsory education has been extended in Finland. What the extended compulsory education means in practice is that the school leaving age has been raised to 18 years. The extension applies to education after comprehensive school. The goal is for every young person to complete upper secondary education, by either passing the matriculation examination or by gaining a vocational qualification.  

Compulsory education ends when the student turns 18, or if a student graduates from upper secondary level earlier.

Joint application period for upper secondary education 

From now on, all young people have the obligation to apply for upper secondary education after basic education. The obligation to apply continues if the young person is left without a study place, or if a student abandons studies that have already started. 

The compulsory education after basic education will primarily take place in general upper secondary education or in vocational education, including apprenticeship training. It can also take place in transition-phase education between basic education and upper secondary education.  

Ninth-graders apply for upper secondary and transition-phase education via the joint application system during the application period. Applications should be submitted on the website. Students will receive instructions on the joint application system from their school guidance counsellors and teachers. 

Upper secondary education is free of charge  

Free upper secondary education ends when the student turns 20, or when a student graduates from the upper secondary level.

In addition to the education and school meals, textbooks, supplies and other materials needed in lessons, and final tests with retakes of rejected tests are all free of charge. Learning materials required for instruction include tools, uniforms and ingredients. School journeys that are longer than seven kilometres will also be free of charge and funded by Kela. In some cases, accommodation and other travel costs can also be reimbursed. 

The materials to be purchased in the Helsinki region will be specified later. The educational institution will purchase all learning materials needed by the students’ centrally.  

In educational institutions with special emphases, supplies such as musical instruments and sports equipment will need to be paid for by the students themselves.  

Several options after comprehensive school  

Helsinki offers many options for upper secondary education. Stadin AO, the Helsinki Vocational College and Adult Institute is the largest vocational education institution in Finland. It offers nearly 30 different qualifications and provides vocational education for numerous different occupations. The City of Helsinki has 14 general upper secondary schools, as well as a general upper secondary school for adults. All city-run general upper secondary schools have a special educational task or a school-specific special emphasis. In addition to these schools, there are several private or trust-funded vocational and general upper secondary schools, as well as state-owned and specialised general upper secondary schools in Helsinki.

Please note that the Finnish matriculation examination exams can only be taken in Finnish or Swedish. There are a few other international examinations in other languages available, as well as preparatory education for Finnish or Swedish-language both vocational and general upper secondary education. Learn more about these options via the Studyinfo links below.

You can find more information about the upper secondary education options:

General upper secondary schools in Helsinki

Stadin AO in English(Link leads to external service)

Studyinfo: General upper secondary education(Link leads to external service) and international examinations(Link leads to external service)

Studyinfo: Preparatory education options for upper secondary education(Link leads to external service)

Young people will receive guidance on applying for upper secondary education. If a young person is left without a place to study in the joint application system, the organiser of basic education will continue to provide guidance during the summer so that the young person can apply for studies in the continuous admission. If a young person of compulsory education age is left without a study place, or they abandon the started studies, the home municipality will ensure that they will receive guidance or a place in suitable transition-phase education.  

The organiser of basic education, together with the young person and the guardian, will evaluate which type of education is the most suitable, with regard to any needs for special support.  

Learn more about the joint application system on the Studyinfo website: Finnish application system.(Link leads to external service)

Information about the extension of compulsory education is available on the City of Helsinki’s website and on the Ministry of Education and Culture website.(Link leads to external service)