Student support services

Ressun lukio considers difference and diversity to be qualities that enrich the school community.

To the best of our ability, we try to respond positively to people’s unique needs. We hope to show caring and open-mindedness in the spirit of the IB Learner profile. We encourage students to be open and actively seek advice on these matters.

The student welfare services are organised in each school in Finland and they are mandated by the law. The welfare of the students refers to the physical, mental and social well-being of students. The support services offered aim to support studies and prevent problems at an early stage.

At the start of studies here, new students are asked if there is anything they would like to share with the school regarding possible special needs. Parents, too, are encouraged to contact the school.

The students are assigned to a group teacher/tutor, who will supervise, support and guide them for the length of their studies here. The teacher meets the students assigned to his/her care at regular intervals. The group teachers are the primary link between the school and the home. They also serve as CAS Advisors.

The school has three full-time student counsellors whose task is to guide the students and help them with their problems, both school-related and personal. They have Master’s degrees and are also fully qualified teachers. Their offices are generally open from 9 am to 3 pm and students can make an appointment to see them via a link in Wilma.

Students can contact the school psychologist to make an appointment. The teachers can also contact the psychologist if they are concerned about a student.

The special education teacher's main task is to help students with different learning problems, for example dyslexia. The teacher meets students in small groups or on an individual basis.

The school social worker advises students with financial or social problems.

The school has a student welfare group, which organizes two types of meetings:

  • Regular student welfare group meetings are about the welfare of the whole school, concerned with e.g school structures or school events. The team is multiprofessional, consisting of two deputy principals, student counsellors, the special needs teacher, the school nurse, the social worker, the school psychologist and student representatives.
  • Tailored meetings are organised when the topic is the welfare of an individual student. The team is a multiprofessional team, tailored to best suit each case. The student in question is always present.

Students who require special access arrangements must contact the special education teacher, student counsellor or DP Coordinator to start the process of evaluating their access arrangement needs. If special access arrangements are needed, it is possible and recommended to try out the arrangements during IB studies. Special arrangements requests for final exams (extra time, use of computer etc) must be approved of by the IB organisation, require appropriate medical documentation and must be the student's usual way of working during the course of study.

The services of student counsellors, school nurse, psychologist, school social worker and special education teacher are available to all students. The school also has a student welfare group.

Ressun lukio considers difference and diversity to be qualities that enrich the school community. 

To the best of our ability, we try to respond positively to people’s unique needs. We hope to show caring and open-mindedness in the spirit of the IB Learner profile. We encourage students to be open and actively seek advice on these matters. 

The student welfare services are organised in each school in Finland and they are mandated by the law. The welfare of the students refers to the physical, mental and social well-being of students. The support services offered aim to support studies and prevent problems at an early stage. 

At the start of studies here, new students are asked if there is anything they would like to share with the school regarding possible special needs. Parents/guardians, too, are encouraged to contact the school. 

The students are assigned to a group teacher/tutor, who will supervise, support and guide them for the length of their studies here. The teacher meets the students assigned to their care at regular intervals. The group teachers are the primary link between the school and the home. They also serve as CAS Advisors. 

The IB section of our school has 3 student counsellors whose task is to guide the students and help them with their problems, both school-related and personal. One of them is full-time devoted to the DP students and the other two split their time between the IB DP students and the students in national programme.They have Master’s degrees and are also fully qualified teachers. Their offices are generally open from 9 am to 3 pm and students can make an appointment to see them via a link in Wilma. 

The school nurse is available every day (either at RK23 or Kalevankatu). The doctor is available by appointment only. 

Students can contact the school psychologist(s) to make an appointment. The teachers can also contact the psychologist if they are concerned about a student. 

The special needs teacher's main task is to help students with different learning problems, for example dyslexia. The teacher meets students in small groups or on an individual basis. 

The school social worker advises students with financial or social problems. 

The school has a student welfare group, which organizes two types of meetings: 

  • Regular student welfare group meetings are about the welfare of the whole school, concerned with e.g school structures or school events. The team is multiprofessional, consisting of deputy principals, the coordinators, student counsellors, the special needs teacher, the school nurse, the social worker, the school psychologist. 
  • Tailored meetings are organised when the topic is the welfare of an individual student. The team is a multiprofessional team, tailored to best suit each case. The student in question is always present. 

Students who require special access arrangements must contact the special needs teacher, student counsellor or DP Coordinator to start the process of evaluating their access arrangement needs. If special access arrangements are needed, it is possible and recommended to try out the arrangements during IB DP studies. Inclusive access arrangement requests for final exams (extra time, use of computer etc) must be approved of by the IB organisation, require appropriate medical/psychological + pedagogical documentation and must be the student's usual way of working during the course of study. 

Student counsellors are available daily. Student counsellors have their offices on the 6th floor in Ruoholahdenkatu (and on the 2nd floor in Kalevankatu). You can also contact them via Wilma/email/phone. You are welcome to talk about anything related to your present and further studies.

Meetings with student counseloor can be booked to Ruoholahdenkatu, Kalevankatu or as online meeting. Booking links are in Wilma frontpage at the bottom of the page in LINKS.

Student Counsellors' contact information 

Every student belongs to a group, led by a teacher assigned to monitor their progress. Group meetings (ryhmänohjaustuokiot) take place during the lunch hour in the same classroom, typically every second Thursday, but not during the exam week. Check the Calendar for the dates! Attendance is compulsory, as these meetings are an indispensable way of passing on important information and school news. In the event of absence due to illness, for example, students must contact the group teacher to find out what matters were discussed.

The aim of the school psychologist is to contribute to the students' wellbeing and to support their studies, for example with mental health, stress management, emotional issues, problems with school, relationships or life changes. Action should be taken while the problems are still relatively small! Parents, too, can contact the psychologist when they are worried about their child's welfare.

The contact information can also be found from here. 

The nurse's office is located on the 6th floor. The nurse can be contacted by phone or via Wilma.

The Student Health Care promotes the health of the students and their ability to study, as well as monitors the health conditions of the study environment. The Student Health Care works in a client-oriented, confidential and fair way, respecting the individuality and autonomy of the student. It strengthens the young person's own resources, prevents exclusion, supports the young person in growing up and strengthens their life management.

As a general rule, students receive health care from the health centre in their own neighbourhood, and students from abroad from the health centre in the region where the institution is located. All full-time students in Helsinki, regardless of their municipality of residence, can receive oral health care services from the Helsinki Health Centre. Student health services are voluntary for their users.

Student health care staff work together with the staff of the educational institution in a student welfare group. The student welfare group can, for example, jointly agree on the support to be provided to the student. Multidisciplinary cooperation also takes place with other actors in the area.

To promote student health, the health and safety of the learning environment is checked every three years. The inspection is carried out in cooperation between the student health service, the institution and its students, the health inspector, the staff occupational health service, the occupational safety and health staff and, if necessary, other experts. Follow-up of the deficiencies identified during the inspection is carried out annually

Contact school nurse


As part of student health care, all full-time students in Helsinki, regardless of their municipality of residence, can apply for oral health care services at the dental clinics of the Helsinki Social and Health Services. Oral health care services are therefore also available to those living abroad. A student certificate must be presented on request at the visit. If they wish, students can also apply to the health centre in their own municipality.

More detailed information in our Study Guide.

The aim of the school social worker is to support the students' well-being and their study progress by operating on both on individual and on community level at the school. For example, they can meet students for discussion and guidance, cooperate with the guardians, participate in meetings of the student's support networks, or work with a whole group or class.

The school social worker’s support is always voluntary, confidential and free of charge for the student. 

Contact the school social worker as early as possible if there are problems with the student's well-being or ability to function: for example, in situations when the student has challenges with school or in relationships, or when there are life changes that affect their studies. The school social worker can also support students in life changes happening outside of school, such as becoming independent and moving out of home.

 The contact information can be found from here. 

A special education teacher helps with study-related problems and provides support for learning difficulties and supports the student's well-being and coping. The special education teacher also plans the student's pedagogical support measures and records them together with the student in his or her personal study plan.

Any student who wants support with their study skills can make an appointment with a special education teacher at any stage of their high school studies. You can book an appointment in matters such as motivation, concentration, starting tasks, time management or study techniques. 

Guardians can also contact the special education teacher.  The contact information can be found from here. 



Read more about student welfare services