Compulsory education continues after comprehensive school

Every ninth grader graduating from comprehensive school is obligated to enrol in upper secondary education. The goal is to make sure that every young person has the chance to have a good future by providing them with working life skills and further education opportunities.
Photo: Jefunne Gimpel

Vocational education and training allows you to study in a working life oriented manner and prepares you for further studies after an initial vocational qualification.

Students can complete their first vocational qualification free of charge as long as they start their studies towards the qualification before turning 18. The studies will remain free of charge until the end of the calendar year during which the student turns 20.  

If you attend vocational general upper secondary school (to earn both a vocational qualification and matriculation examination certificate), your right to free-of-charge education ends once you have both completed a vocational qualification and taken the matriculation examination.

Find out more about vocational education and training and general upper secondary education at open house events held at each educational institution. 
See when the next Open house events at Stadin AO (page in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)  will be held.