Student welfare services in vocational education

Student welfare services support your learning and well-being in many ways. Student welfare staff cooperate with the school staff and various networks. Student welfare is primarily preventive work.
Studying in the upper secondary level is communal. A large network of professionals is there to support students. Photo: Maija Astikainen

Communal student welfare is the task of all those who work and study at schools. A multi-disciplinary team of professionals is there to support the student.

Individual student welfare services are provided by psychologists, school social workers, public health nurses, doctors and nurses specialised in mental health and substance abuse work. 

Schools also have many other professionals to support the students. The purpose of the services is to enable good learning for every learner.

Students can seek out most of these services themselves, but the student welfare staff are also always ready to guide and advise students in determining the right place to find support.

Learn more about the student’s service paths in the Thinglink environment(Link leads to external service) or in the sections below.

Student welfare service paths. The content of the picture is explained in the sections below. Photo: Frankly Partners Oy

A multi-disciplinary team of professionals helps you if you need support in learning, face challenges in life or have concerns regarding your health. Student welfare services can also help you with anxiety or if you are feeling blue. Help is available both for urgent situations and on a planned basis - depending on the your needs.

Support from your school

Support networks outside school

Home support for students

You at home know them best and can also support them through the transition from vocational education and training to their future.

How to support learner

Video theme is Student Welfare as a Basis for Learning and Support Network. There is option to choose English subtitles.