Koskela, Kumpula, Käpylä

Koskela, Kumpula and Käpylä form a traditional and picturesque residential area between Mäkelänkatu and Tuusulanväylä and Kustaa Vaasantie and Lahdenväylä, where several development projects are located.

Ilmakuva Koskelantieltä
Image: Kari Palsila

On this page

Check out the plans in preparation for Koskela, Kumpula and Käpylä through the website of the Helsinki Map Service.

Karttaupotus - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)

Koskela hospital area

The detailed plan for the Koskela hospital area became legally valid in 2017. The plan enables the construction of approximately 110,000 square metres of new housing, which is equivalent to about 1,700 new apartments and will bring approximately 3,000 new inhabitants to the area. New construction focuses on the edges of the area, leaving a large part of the historic hospital park in protected use.

The plan also protects the hospital’s valuable old buildings, which will be converted mainly for residential use. Construction started in 2019, and so far about 800 apartments have been completed, which corresponds to about 40% of the total potential of the area.

Koskelan sairaala
Koskela hospital Photo: Seppo Laakso

Construction of the area

The area will combine new apartment buildings and protected historical buildings. The number of floors vary from four to seven, and the dense buildings planned along the streets protect the inner parts of the blocks from traffic noise.

Senior centre (Kunnalliskodintie 2 ER): A new senior centre operating on the group home principle will be built to the north of Kunnalliskodintie. The senior centre will have 224 resident places in group homes, with common kitchen, dining and living areas. Common features of the buildings are glazed balconies and courtyards.

Among others, the first floor will house service centre premises, day activities for clients living at home, the activity centre for informal care and other services aimed at seniors. The services will be open to all senior citizens in Helsinki and offer versatile support for living at home. Construction is planned to begin in summer 2025 and will take about two years.

Koskela Service Centre: When the new senior centre is completed, the operations of the current Koskela service centre will be moved to the new building, and the N building will be demolished. After that, the F building will be renovated into a daycare centre, and after its completion daycare centre activities will be moved from A and B buildings to the new premises. 

Koskelan rakennukset karttapiirroskuvana.

Residential buildings: The detailed plan enables the adaptation of approximately 200 apartments to old hospital buildings. New construction will continue south of Kunnalliskodintie, where approximately 180 apartments will be built. An apartment block of approximately 200 apartments will be built along Antti Korpin tie, and new buildings with about 40 apartments will also be planned in Paviljonkikuja.

Parks: Extensive park areas will be maintained. The southern park area has been named Rohtotarha, the central area Hospitaalinpuisto and the park planned north of Kunnalliskodintie Koskelanhaka.

Koskela’s construction schedule

The construction schedule is indicative, and the interdependencies of the projects may cause changes to the planned schedules.

Kuva rakentamisen aikataulukartasta Koskelassa

Read more about Koskela’s planning and construction projects

2 projects
ilmakuva Koskelantien ja Mäkelänkadun ympäristöstä

Koskelantie and Mäkelänkatu surroundings

Estimated schedule: planning -
Project location:
Project theme: Housing Streets and traffic Business facilities
Havainnekuva Hernepellonkujalta.

Local master plan of Viikinranta–Lahdenväylä

Estimated schedule: execution -
Project location: Viikki
Project theme: Housing Green and recreational areas Streets and traffic

Transportation and connections

Kunnalliskodintie has been renovated and in connection with the renovation, preparations have been made for a tram maintenance rail connection to Koskela depot. Access through cycling and walking routes will be kept as fluent as possible in the area.

Käpylä Photo: Julia Kivelä

Koskela depot area and Kumpulanmäki

The plan proposal for the Koskela depot area (Kumpulankärki) enables the new construction of the depot area and 27,900 square metres of new housing construction along Valtimontie. Construction started with the demolition of the old depot at the end of 2024. The new depot will be completed at the end of 2028 and commissioned in 2029.

Due to the depot work site, there will be exceptional arrangements for walking and cycling between Koskelantie and Kustaa Vaasantie until 2029.

A detailed plan has been approved that will enable residential construction in Kumpulanmäki next to the operations of the University of Helsinki, which is not yet legally valid. The landowner of the area is Senate Properties.


Poika hyppää uimahyppytornista.
Kumpula outdoor swimming pool Photo: Sami Saastamoinen

Koskelantie 5 (former Kela building)

The detailed plan related to Koskelantie 5 enables the development of the area into a versatile part of the city. More information on the progress of the plan is available on the city’s decision-making website.

Kätilöopisto Maternity Hospital block

New buildings and communal housing are being planned for the block of the Kätilöopisto Maternity Hospital. Additional information on the progress of the detailed plan and the development of the block can be found on the website of the City of Helsinki.

Read more about Kumpula’s planning and construction projects

3 projects
Havainnekuva Viikin-Malmin pikaraitiotiestä Hernepellontiellä.

Viikki–Malmi light rail

Estimated schedule: planning -
Project location: Viikki Malmi
Project theme: Streets and traffic
Kilpailuehdotus Kumpulan Haikaranpesä.

Development of the Kätilöopisto Maternity Hospital area

Estimated schedule: planning -
Project location:
Project theme: Housing Business facilities
Havainnekuva Hernepellonkujalta.

Local master plan of Viikinranta–Lahdenväylä

Estimated schedule: execution -
Project location: Viikki
Project theme: Housing Green and recreational areas Streets and traffic

Karjala House

An amendment to the detailed plan for the Karjala House at Käpylänkuja 1 is pending. Karjala House will be developed as a meeting venue, Käpylä district centre and cultural building. The intention is to add two new floors to the building and to build apartments for about 40 residents in the new part (1620 floor square metres).

Read more about Käpylä’s planning and construction projects

1 projects
ilmakuva Koskelantien ja Mäkelänkadun ympäristöstä

Koskelantie and Mäkelänkatu surroundings

Estimated schedule: planning -
Project location:
Project theme: Housing Streets and traffic Business facilities