Gymnasiet Lärkan Upper Secondary School

We are a Swedish-language upper secondary School with two special emphases: science and social studies.

Image: Benny Eklöv
Photo: Sofia Johansson

Welcome to Lärkan!

  • We want to give our students a good base for future studies and work.
  • We want to focus on every student and their well-being.
  • We want to give our students interesting challenges suitable to their personal level.
  • We want to create a nice atmosphere for students and staff to work in.
  • We want to help our students to become the best version of themselves.

Gymnasiet Lärkan Upper Secondary School on the map

Gymnasiet Lärkan is situated in Haaga, Helsinki. You can reach us easily by direct train from the airport or Helsinki city centre and by bus from the Aalto University campus in Espoo, Otaniemi.

Gymnasiet Lärkan
Street address: Hiomotie 5, Helsinki, Finland
Postal address: PB 3057, FI-00099 Helsingin kaupunki, Finland

Principal Magnus Westerlund
tel +358 9 310 86680(Link starts a phone call) , +358 40 131 7260(Link starts a phone call)

Deputy Principal Tanja Häkli
tel +358 50 362 5003(Link starts a phone call)

School Secretary Ulrika Backman
tel +358 9 310 86681(Link starts a phone call) , ulrika.backman(at)

Gymnasiet Lärkan Upper Secondary Scool on the map - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)