The Wellbeing in Helsinki website is new and continues to develop. Develop the website with us by sending us feedback.

Nutrition, sleep and addiction management

This website contains free or affordable services and activities organised by the City of Helsinki and organisations in person in Helsinki and online.

Explore services and activities that support a healthy lifestyle.

Kaksi iloista ihmistä ostaa vihanneksia Hakaniemen hallissa
Image: Julia Kivelä

By having a healthy lifestyle, you will stay healthier and have better functional capacity for longer. A balanced diet, sufficient sleep and sobriety are good for you. By taking care of the needs of your body, you also take care of your mental well-being.

Even small changes, like going to bed earlier and having regular meal times, may improve your well-being significantly. Do not hesitate to seek help for addictions. Start with a small change today!

Perhe nauttimassa päivästä ulkona piknik-viltillä
Photo: Juho Kuva

Organisations with health and lifestyle activities

The Lähellä.fi service has meaningful activities, community, help and participation opportunities.

Go to the Lähellä.fi website(Link leads to external service)

Henkilö katsomassa puhelinta bussipysäkillä
Photo: Jussi Hellsten

Helsinki Recovery App – Compass to recovery in your pocket

Helsinki Recovery App is a free mobile app for working-age Helsinki residents and their family members who need a lot of support from health and social services. 

More information about the app