The City of Helsinki’s procurement goals
The City of Helsinki Procurement Strategy is divided into three themes. Each of these themes includes the procurement goals and measures through which the City of Helsinki can support the implementation of its City Strategy and develop the quality of its services further to meet the needs of residents and companies. The main criteria of the themes sum up what Helsinki wants to achieve with its purchasing.
The theme of functional markets and promoting innovation includes the goals and measures through which the City of Helsinki makes cost-efficient purchases supporting the vitality of markets and a favourable environment for innovation. The City of Helsinki has a major impact on the market and is able to create new markets and business activities with its demand and activities.
The goals and measures related to the impact and responsibility theme help the City of Helsinki accomplish the goals set in its City Strategy for creating a more financially, environmentally and socially sustainable city. The City of Helsinki is at the forefront in many areas covered by this theme, and its future success depends on its ability to improve this position further. Responsible procurement lays the foundation for a responsible capital city.
See the following programmes:
Carbon-Neutral Helsinki 2035 Action Plan
Sustainable Helsinki: Responsible procurement and circular economy(Link leads to external service)
The theme of procurement management and procurement skills brings together the goals and measures through which the City of Helsinki coordinates its organisation towards more uniform and professional procurement. In order for procurement to support the City of Helsinki’s core functions, the city must manage it strategically and continuously develop its procurement expertise.
Focus areas of the City of Helsinki Procurement Strategy
Procurement Director Jorma Lamminmäki from the City of Helsinki talks about the focus areas of the City of Helsinki Procurement Strategy in Finnish. Click the TXT box in the top right corner to access English subtitles.
Procurement decisions

You can search the City of Helsinki’s procurement decisions on the following pages based on who made the decision:
Decisions by public officials (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)
Decisions by committees and boards(Link leads to external service)