Goal: The proportion of public transport, walking and cycling as modes of transport will be increased
Almost 80 per cent of the trips in Helsinki are made on foot, by bike or by public transport. The COVID-19 pandemic increased especially the proportion of trips made on foot. A significant change also took place during the COVID-19 pandemic in the commuter traffic proportions, where the share of trips made by car increased clearly.
Goal: Reduce the number of combustion engine cars in the urban area
Approximately 219,000 passenger cars are registered in traffic in Helsinki (on March 31, 2024). The majority of these are still either petrol or diesel cars. However, the number of electric-powered cars (full electric cars and plug-in hybrid cars) has grown rapidly during the current strategic period. Their share of the total passenger car fleet in use is about one-fifth at the beginning of 2024, compared to just under 3 percent at the beginning of 2020. Meanwhile, the combined share of petrol and diesel cars has decreased.
The number of full electric cars is still smaller than the number of hybrid cars, but their number is currently growing faster than that of hybrid cars. The construction of electric vehicle charging points is progressing. In 2023, construction began on over 200 new public charging points in Helsinki.