Who conducts the City of Helsinki’s tender processes?

The competitive tendering of procurements is centralised to the divisions, offices of public officials, and enterprises of the City of Helsinki.

The following procurement units of the City of Helsinki conduct tender processes:
•    City Executive Office 
•    Audit Department
•    Education Division, Culture and Leisure Division, Urban Environment Division and Social Services and Health Care Division 
•    municipal enterprises (Service Centre Helsinki, which provides food, wellbeing and telephone services; Stara, which provides construction services; Talpa, which provides financial management services; and Occupational Health Helsinki)
•    Rescue Department

Each of them has their own procurement team that focus on the unit’s own services. The divisions, offices and enterprises are responsible for preparing their separate procurements and making the relevant decisions.

Other organisations belonging to the Helsinki City Group prepare and decide on their own procurements. They can make use of the contracts of the joint procurement company Helsingin Konsernihankinta Oy (Helsinki Group Procurement Ltd). 

Preparations and decisions regarding joint procurements are made by the City Executive Office and the Social Services and Health Care Division. The City Executive Office is responsible for joint coordination of procurements in cooperation with divisions and enterprises. 

Contact details 

If you have questions regarding the City of Helsinki’s ongoing procurement processes, please primarily contact us through the contact information provided in the procurement documents. 

If you have general questions regarding the City of Helsinki’s procurement services and procurements by the city’s Central Administration, please email hankinnat@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program)  
Education Division: hankinnat@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program)  
Culture and Leisure Division: kuva.hankinnat@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program)  
Urban Environment Division: kymp.hankinnat@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program)  
Social Services and Health Care Division: sote.hankinnat@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program)  
City of Helsinki Service Centre: palvelukeskus.hankinnat@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program)  

Do you need help with preparing a tender?

Helsigin Yrittäjät (Entrepreneurs of the Capital Region) helps companies prepare tenders and address other issues related to procurement.

Please contact: Pentti Komssi, Public Procurement Agent, tel. +358 44 343 2045, pentti.komssi@yrittajat.f