Check yourself in on the self-registration machine. It is easy to use, and we will help you if you need.

- Start by choosing the language.
- Choose Registration, appointment or Registration, no appointment.
- Show your Kela card, driver’s licence or ID card to the machine by placing it in the recess below the display, with the barcode facing up.
- Check your personal information.
- The machine will show you the appointments you have made.
- Choose an appointment.
- The machine will print out a service number for you, along with directions.
- Keep the directions in order to find the right appointment room.
- Press end.
- Select the service.
- Show your Kela card, driver’s licence or ID card to the machine by placing it in the recess below the display, with the barcode facing up.
- The machine will print out a service number for you, along with directions.
- Keep the directions in order to find the right service.
- Press end.