Ask or give feedback on parks and green spaces
You can report shortcomings and problems with parks and green spaces with the feedback form. Reports of broken playground equipment, benches or other fixtures are particularly useful. There is no need to give any feedback on full bins – we will empty them as soon as possible anyway.
Give feedback on parks and green spaces(Link leads to external service)
Report a dangerous tree
- If a fallen tree poses an obvious danger, report it to the emergency response centre (112). A tree that has fallen on a road or another busy route, crossed fallen trees, a partly fallen tree and a fallen tree causing a power line break pose an obvious danger.
- If the fallen or damaged tree does not pose an immediate danger, you can report it to the Urban Environment Division’s customer service with the feedback form(Link leads to external service) or by calling 09 310 22111. If you use the feedback form, you should mark the location of the tree on the map.
- If a tree has fallen on your property, you must arrange to have it removed yourself. Fallen trees that are crossed or partly fallen trees may have stresses that can only be safely relieved by an experienced professional. Trees that pose a danger should be reported to the emergency services.
- Please keep in mind that you should only use the public emergency number in an emergency.
Frequently asked questions on the management of parks and green spaces
Read more

Contact information
Valid for the time being:
– Mon 12.00-15.00
– Tue-Wed 8.30-12.00
– Thu-Fri 12.00-15.00
– Sat-Sun closed
Our telephone service +358 931022111 is open Mon-Thu 8.30-16.00 and Fri 12.00-15.00.
Please note that the earliest time you can get a shift number is 11.00 on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.
At the Building Control Services Archives, customers are received on Fridays only by appointment.
After-hour notifications about dangerous street damage tel. +358 9 310 39310. (Please do not send feedback or questions related to winter maintenance or vehicle removal to this number.)
Our on-call Parking Enforcement service is available at tel. +358 9 310 70014, Mon-Thu 16.00-20.00, Fri 8.15-12.00 and 15.00-20.00, Sat 10.00-15.30, and Sun 11.00-17.00 (urgent enforcement requests only)