Every school has a designated school nurse available during school hours. You can visit the school nurse to discuss any health or wellbeing concerns confidentially, or to schedule an appointment. The school nurse is also available to assist with accidents or injuries that occur during the school day. You can find the school nurse’s contact information on your school’s website.
Check your school’s contact information
School health care also includes regular health examinations. Through annual check-ups, we monitor your health over the long term. In grades 1, 5, and 8, you will have a comprehensive health examination, where you’ll meet both the school nurse and a doctor.
Read more about student health examinations
You will receive an invitation for a dental check-up four times during your school years.
Read more about dental care for children and young people
If you become ill suddenly after school hours and need medical attention, contact your local health station. During your free time, you can seek care at your health station, and in urgent situations, visit the emergency services.
Find your local health station
Contact the New Children’s Hospital Emergency Department (Link leads to external service)
The treatment and monitoring of long-term illnesses are managed by your health station. If you require care and support for a long-term illness during school hours, we will work with your family and school to make the necessary arrangements.