The Wellbeing in Helsinki website is new and continues to develop. Develop the website with us by sending us feedback.

Physical activities and nature

Physical activity and spending time in nature is good for everyone. 

This website contains free or affordable services and activities organised by the City of Helsinki and organisations in person in Helsinki and online. 

Två personer i naturen på en klippa.
Image: Jussi Hellsten

Being physically active and spending time in nature supports health, coping and mental well-being. Take a walk or just breathe in some fresh air. Even small activities support your well-being.  

Think about the kind of incidental and everyday physical activity you have in your life now or have had in the past. If you wanted to add physical activity into your life or try something new, what would it be? 

Be active at home or go outside today! 

Photo: Maija Astikainen

Green Hearts

Green Hearts is the City of Helsinki’s park website, which takes you for a walk in the capital’s charming and varied parks. Embrace nature!

Get to know Helsinki's parks(Link leads to external service)/(Link leads to external service)