We take care of employment in Helsinki
We have extensive experience in organising public employment services for jobseekers and employers. We promote employment and coordinate and develop related activities in Helsinki. We also provide services to working-age clients in the context of immigrant integration, including by organising training that supports employment.
We operate responsibly
Our daily work is based on the City's objectives, values and ethical principles. We are aware of our ability to influence people's everyday lives. We emphasise equality, non-discrimination and anti-racism in our operations. We work closely with the cities of and other partners in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area.
Employment Services’ organisation
The City of Helsinki Employment Services Enterprise, i.e. Employment Services, is part of the City’s Central Administration and operates under the board of the enterprise. The seven members, seven personal deputy members, chair and vice-chairperson of the board are chosen by the City Board. Employment Services' operations are steered by its board and managed by its Managing Director.
The managing director of Employment Services is Annukka Sorjonen.
Employment Services has a number of teams consisting of specialists, vocational psychologists and other personnel who work as our clients’ partners. Our services for jobseekers focus on employment services and competence mapping, while our services for employers and entrepreneurs focus on recruitment and financial support.
Helsinki Employment Services is organised into five units.
The Advance Services unit promotes positive employment development and works to prevent unemployment. We build partnerships with educational institutions, service providers and the third sector, for example. We provide our services to our customers in a variety of service points, such as International House Helsinki (IHH) and the Cross-sectoral joint support service promoting youth employment (Ohjaamo). We also take care of services for people outside the labour market with foreign background.
The Advance Services unit is headed by Miika Keijonen.
The Matching Services unit promotes the employment of clients who are close to the labour market. We advise clients, provide them with information on available jobs and refer them to education and training services, coaching or assessments, where necessary.
The Matching Services unit is headed by Tuomas Järvinen.
The Path Services unit promotes employment and client access to open labour markets on a multidisciplinary basis at the City level by providing more intensive services and support to jobseekers who need them.
The Path Services unit is headed by Katja Rajaniemi.
We serve employers and business customers by helping them find and recruit skilled labour across the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. We support the hiring of jobseekers and the launch of business operations with various types of financial support. Together with our service provider partners, we organise training courses for employers on how to recruit skilled labour and develop employees' skills. We also provide change security services for employers facing changes and lay-offs.
The Employer Services unit is headed by Risto Rantala.
We are responsible for the enterprise's centralised administration, development and operational support. We take care of personnel, financial, information and general administration, develop employment services, steer the preparation of decisions, provide advice on legal matters and handle communications.
Employment Services’ contact information
We provide services to jobseekers and employers across the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. To access our wide range of services, employment services expertise and the know-how of our comprehensive network of partners, please use the contact information below.
You can contact us via E-services, email or phone. Here are the contact details of Helsinki Employment Services:
- Jobseekers: Online: Go to Job Market Finland’s E-services(Link leads to external service) ; Telephone MON-FRI 9:00 am - 3:00 pm: + 358 9 310 36107(Link starts a phone call) ; Email: tyollisyyspalvelut@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program)
- Employers and entrepreneurs: Go to Job Market Finland’s E-services(Link leads to external service) Telephone MON-FRI 9:00 am - 4:00 pm: +358931036300(Link starts a phone call) ; Email: neuvonta.tyonantajat@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program)
- Integration services for the other groups: Telephone TUE and FRI 9:00-11:00 am: +358931036300(Link starts a phone call) ; Email: tvu-kotoutujat@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program)
- Postal address: PO Box 310, 00099 City of Helsinki
City of Helsinki website for jobseekers, employers and business
We protect your personal information
If you need to send us personal information, you will have to do so using the Securemail service to ensure that the information stays secure. Using the service requires strong authentication.
Go to the Securemail service Send message - City of Helsinki(Link leads to external service)
Data protection and the processing of personal data
As a joint controller, we and the Development and Administration Centre for ELY Centres and TE Offices (KEHA Centre) are responsible for the realisation of our client’s rights as data subjects under the General Data Protection Regulation.
Data protection notices | City fo Helsinki
Helsinki Employment Services’ street address
We serve our clients at Helsinki Employment Services' offices in different locations around Helsinki. Some of our offices serve only by appointment, but others also offer advice services in the lobbies. Our Kamppi and Itäkeskus offices and Ohjaamo, which is intended for those under the age of 30, provide services without appointment and can be freely visited during their opening hours.
Helsinki Employment Services' offices ow)
Questions and feedback
Private individuals can submit feedback to Helsinki Employment Services via the City’s feedback service. We process all the feedback received via the service systematically, refer it to the right persons and monitor that it is responded to.
The City of Helsinki's feedback service: Give feedback (hel.fi)(Link leads to external service) .
For the media
We serve the media and journalists fairly, comprehensively and swiftly. If you have any questions about employment management and services for jobseekers and employers as part of the City of Helsinki, please send them to tyollisyyspalvelut.viestinta@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program) .