Voting in advance

Advance voting in the municipal elections in Finland takes place 2-8 April 2025. During the advance voting period, eligible voters can cast their ballot at any of the general advance polling stations. There are 35 general advance polling stations in Helsinki.

On this page

City of Helsinki’s advance polling stations (in Finnish and Swedish) 
Advance polling stations on Helsinki’s Service Map (Link leads to external service)

Eligible voters will be sent a notification of the right to vote (polling card) and a list of the general advance polling stations in their voting district, with addresses and opening hours. The notification of the right to vote (polling card) will be sent electronically to eligible voters who have registered with the online service. For all other eligible voters, the polling card will be sent by post in the traditional way.

No county elections are being arranged in Helsinki due to its different administration model, so residents of the capital cannot vote in the county elections. Eligible voters who reside outside of Helsinki can, however, cast their ballot in advance in the county elections at any of Helsinki’s general advance polling stations.

At advance polling stations, voters must verify their identity to an election official before casting a vote. A valid ID must be shown. 

Voting from abroad

The period for casting a ballot at an advance polling station at a Finnish mission (embassy or consulate) abroad is shorter than in Finland. Advance voting abroad in the municipal elections takes place 2–5 April 2025.

People with the right to vote can also cast a vote during advance voting and on election day by post. The postal vote must arrive at the Helsinki Municipal Central Election Committee by 19.00 on Friday 11 April 2025.
More information on voting from abroad (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)  and  Postal voting(Link leads to external service)  

At-home voting

If your ability to move or function is limited to the degree that you are unable to go to an advance polling station or your election day polling station without unreasonable difficulty, you may vote in advance in your own home. In association with the at-home voting, one informal caregiver living at the same address can also cast a ballot at home if that person has completed an informal caregiver agreement with the city and has the right to vote in Helsinki. Other family members with the right to vote that do not meet the at-home voting requirements may not vote from home.

You must pre-register for at-home voting well in advance of election day, at least one day before the beginning of the advance voting period. The deadline for registration is 16.00 on 1 April 2025. Voters may no longer register for at-home voting during advance voting.

Registration for at-home voting will not be accepted after the deadline.

At-home voting will take place during advance voting on 2-8 April 2025.

Helsinki residents can register with the  Helsinki Municipal Central Elections Committee by phone, email or post by submitting the  Registration form of at-home voting (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)

Contact information of the Helsinki Municipal Central Elections Committee:

tel +358 9 310 133 44 (Link activates a call)(Link starts a phone call)

email  kesvlk(at) (Link opens default email service)(Link opens default mail program)

Voting from an institution

During advance voting, if an eligible voter is being cared for in an institution such as a hospital or a round-the-clock care facility (for example, a senior centre, service home or service centre) or is in a prison, that voter can vote in advance by voting from an institution. Voting from an institution is organised by election committees that have been established specifically for institutional voting.

If the voter has the right to vote in a municipality outside of Helsinki, this voter is also eligible to vote in the county elections, in addition to the municipal elections vote.