The right to vote and how to vote

The right to vote in municipal elections is tied to a person’s residence in the relevant municipality. For example, Finnish people that live abroad permanently (expat Finnish nationals) are not entitled to vote in Finland’s municipal elections, even if they are Finnish citizens. This section provides instructions on how to vote in the municipal elections.

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The right to vote in municipal elections

A person who has reached the age of 18 no later than 13 April 2025 has the right to vote in the Helsinki municipal elections if the person is:

  1. A citizen of Finland, another EU Member State, or Norway or Iceland whose municipality of residence on 21 February 2025, 51 days before election day, is Helsinki, or
  2. A citizen of another country whose municipality of residence on 21 February 2025, 51 days before election day, is Helsinki and who has had municipality of residence on that date in Finland for an uninterrupted period of at least two years, or
  3. employed by the EU or an international organisation operating in Finland and their place of residence is in Helsinki on 21 February 2025, 51 days before election day, provided that their personal data has been entered in the Population Information System at their request and that the person has submitted a written notification to the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, stating that they wish to exercise their right to vote in the municipal elections, no later than 20 February 2025, 52 days before election day. 

Voting on election day 

On election day, voters can only cast their ballots at the polling station in the voting register, the same polling station that is printed on their notification of right to vote (polling card) sent to them before the elections. The polling stations are open between 9.00–20.00.
Read more:  Voting on election day(Link leads to external service)

Voting in advance

As an alternative to voting on election day, voters can vote in advance at any of the general advance polling stations in Finland and abroad. Advance voting begins 11 days before election day and ends in Finland five days before election day. Advance voting ends at polling stations abroad eight days before election day. 
Read more: Voting in advance(Link leads to external service)

Voting from an institution

Advance voting is also organised at institutions such as hospitals, senior homes, prisons and garrisons. Only people receiving treatment or who have been admitted to the institutions are eligible to vote in this way.

At-home voting

It is possible to vote in advance from home if voters’ ability to move or function is limited to the degree that they are unable to go to an advance polling station or election day polling station without unreasonable difficulty. Voters must pre-register for at-home voting well at least one day before the beginning of the advance voting period, or 12 days before election day. 

Postal voting

Eligible voters residing or staying abroad during the elections may vote by post from abroad. Read more:  Postal voting (Link leads to external service)

Voting on board ships

The crew of a Finnish ship that is abroad during the elections may vote in advance on board the ship during the advance voting period.