Explore summer activities

In the summer of 2024, we will carry out plenty of summer activities, especially in the suburban regeneration areas.

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Explore summer activities

In the summer of 2024, we will carry out plenty of summer activities, especially in the suburban regeneration areas. We will organise excursions, keep playgrounds and youth centres open, participate in organising numerous events at parks and squares and improve attractiveness. Our idea is to bring the area’s residents and different age groups together. For example, we will create an opportunity for older people and families with children to meet at playgrounds. Check out the summer events in suburban regeneration areas!  


Ylä-Malmi square  

In the summer of 2024, we will bring more greenery and possilities for hanging out at the market square. We are offering the opportunity to try pop-up market sales with suitable furnishing. During the summer, we will collect valuable local information from residents, which is used in the planning of the renovation of Ylä-Malmi square.  
Summer events in Ala-Malmi park 

We will implement Ala-Malmi park’s event summer from 6 to 15 June and from 15 to 25 August. The event summer is a special, open and free urban culture event in Malmi.  

Listen toRadio Helsinki Kaupunkielämää podcast(Link leads to external service) about event summer 2023



In Malminkartano, we will continue the community gardening that started in the summer of 2023. Blockgarden’s energetic gardeners will organise regular gardening guidance and community events during the summer. All gardening boxes are already reserved, and enthusiastic growers will be able to plant summer crops as soon as the beginning of June.   


On Sitratori square, we will renew artist Anetta Lukjanova’s mural series that has reached the end of its service life. In the spring, residents participated in the implementation of the mural by praising Kannelmäki. This was done at a workshop organised by Helsinki Urban Art and D-asema in Kannelmäki. 

The compliments will be transferred to a mural, which will create a new frame the square. The new mural will be finished in time for Helsinki Day, when there will be plenty of programme on the market organised by Kanneltalo and Events Helsinki.   

We are bringing Innogreen Oy’s lovely green stop to Sitratori square for the summer. In August, we will organise an urban nature workshop at the green stop that is open to everyone.  

Learn more about how lush pop-up spaces enliven public spaces and support biodiversity(Link leads to external service)



We will revitalise Kontula square next to the library, youth centre and health centre next summer by bringing greenery, hangout spaces and more possibilities for play and gaming. We are planning the lighting on Kontula square together with the young people in the area. We will start the lighting renewal in the autumn to make the square cosier. 
We will renew the street art in Kontula’s Emännänpolku and Kiikuntie underpasses together with Kontula youth centre’s media and street art agency Luuppi, Kontula Art School, Mimmit Ry, Symppis’ volunteers and the area’s young street artists in August 2024. 

We are renovating the Kostinkallio urban garden, and Blockgarden’s gardeners will be onsite weekly during the summer to give guidance on urban gardening and organise events with the gardeners during the summer.   

Mellunmäki square pop-up space

In the summer, we will bring a lush and functional pop-up space for Parkly Oy and Spottiskate Oy to Mellunmäki Square. During the summer, you can test skate elements at Skeittipaku’s workshops.


In Meri-Rastila’s placemaking, we are developing the central meeting point of the area, Meri-Rastila square, together with the residents. We have collected experiences of the square area particularly from children and young people at workshops. Next summer, we will enliven Meri-Rastila square and the surrounding urban spaces with spatial art, inviting furniture, greenery and games. The project began in the autumn of 2023, and ideas collected from children and young people in the spring and summer are still being worked on to revitalise the square.