Our housing counselling services are dedicated to assisting all Helsinki residents who are experiencing housing difficulties.

Whether you need guidance on applying for housing, finalising a rental agreement, or are seeking advice regarding rent payment challenges, we are here to help.
Visits by appointment only.
We also serve social welfare customers by phone based on postcode:
Postal code areas 00620, 00630, 00650-00670, tel. 09 310 23232
Postal code areas 00680, 00690, 00740, 00750, tel. 09 310 23143
Postal code areas 00700, 00730, 00780, tel. 09 310 41210
Postal code areas 00760, 00770, 00790, tel. 09 310 15630
Postal code areas 00640, 00710, 00720, tel. 09 310 24458
Contact information
Ala-Malmin tori 2 A, 1. floor,
View location on service map
P.O. Box 7970, 00099 City of Helsinki
Ala-Malmin tori 2 A, 1. floor,