You can receive support from us until you turn 23 or obtain Finnish citizenship.
You can receive support from us until you turn 23 or obtain Finnish citizenship.
Our services assist you in adapting to your new home country, and we tailor them to suit your needs.
The goal is for you to participate in society, have control over your own affairs, and become independent.
You may need help finding a suitable school or assistance with health or financial matters.
A social worker, social counsellor, and psychologist will support you.
You can contact us by phone. Our service point is located at Mikkolankuja 6, 00680 Helsinki.
Call us
Telephone counselling for newcomers and victims of human trafficking
Open Mon-Fri 08:15-12, Mon-Fri 13-16
Call charge:
toll free
Telephone counselling for undocumented individuals
Open Mon-Fri 09-16
Call charge:
toll free