Toivolanmäki Family Community Home

The family community home accommodates unaccompanied minors with a Finnish residence permit and municipal placement in Helsinki.

Contact information:

Director of the family community home, tel. +358 9 3105 3214

Ward Kalliola, tel. +358 9 3105 3218
Ward Kuusela, tel. +358 9 3105 3201
Ward Lehtola, tel. +358 9 3105 3247

Contact information

Mikkolankuja 6, 00680 Helsinki Show accessibility information View location on service map
Finnish, Swedish
P.O. Box 68850, 00099 City of Helsinki

What is life like at the Toivolanmäki Family Community Home? 

During your stay with us, you will reside in a small group comprising approximately 10 young individuals. Each resident has their own room, and a dedicated instructor is assigned to provide guidance and support. 

Our instructors assist you with daily activities and navigating interactions with authorities. Furthermore, we create an individualised study plan for you, and our instructors are available to support you in your educational pursuits. Our overarching objective is to aid your adjustment to life in Finland and equip you with the skills necessary for independent living. 

You will reside in the family community home until you reach the age of 18. At that point, you will transition to your own apartment while still being able to access our services. 

Additionally, we offer social rehabilitation services to young individuals and families in Helsinki who have been granted international protection. 


Mikkolankuja 6, 00680 Helsinki
Location on map - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)

The route to the main entrance

  • The pick-up and drop-off area is located in the vicinity of the entrance, giving easy access to the pavement.
  • The route to the entrance is guided, smooth and sufficiently wide and illuminated.
  • The passage has 1 step.

The entrance "alternative entrance"

  • The entrance is hard to perceive but illuminated
  • In connection with the entrance, there is 1 step.
  • The doors connected to the entrance stand out clearly. Outside the door there is sufficient room for moving e.g. with a wheelchair. The door opens easily manually.

In the facility

  • The customer service point has two floors.
  • The facility has thresholds over 2 cm high.
  • The indoor walkways have 3 consecutive steps with handrails on one side.
  • The doors in the facility stand out clearly. The glass doors have contrast markings.