Senior Info

Do you feel lonely or need something to do? Do you need information about who can help make your daily life easier?

On this page

Photo: Kaisa Sunimento

We at Senior Info will provide you with the information you need. Senior Info is a non-urgent advisory service for seniors in Helsinki. We will work with you to find the services that meet your needs. We are well acquainted with services related to maintaining functional capacity, for example, and can tell you about services and events offered by companies and organisations in addition to the City's own services. Everything we discuss will be confidential.

If you already have a designated worker at the City's services for seniors, please ask them directly for guidance and advice.

If you have an urgent health issue, please get in touch with your local health station, Emergency Services or the Emergency Response Centre.

Feel free to contact us, we are here for you. You can also contact us if your loved one is a senior.

We provide service in Finnish and Swedish. We also have an interpreter service. You can contact us in your native language.

Contact information

Siltasaarenkatu 2, 00530 Helsinki Show accessibility information View location on service map

Valid for the time being:
– Mon-Fri 9.00-15.00

Finnish, Swedish
P.O. Box 7003, 00099 City of Helsinki

Contact us

Call us on weekdays from 9.00–15.00

Call us +358 9 310 44556(Link starts a phone call)

If the number is busy, please listen to the end of the recording so that our call-back service will make a note of your call and save your number. We will call you back on the next working day at the latest. Calling us costs the price of a normal phone call. Unfortunately, our call-back service is unavailable if you call from a foreign number.

Send us an email at opens default mail program) (this address is not secure, so please do not include personal identifiers in your message).

You can find the chat window in the lower right corner of this page. 

Sotebotti Hester can help you anonymously in various general matters related to social welfare and health care. Currently Hester can help you in Finnish. If Hester can't help, you'll be directed to a chat with a professional during opening hours.

Chat with us online 

•    Mon–Wed 9.00–15.00
•    Thu 9.00–10.00 and 11.30–15.00 
•    Fri 9.00–15.00 

You can give more information about yourself by authenticating yourself first using the service.

Visit the Senior Info service point at Siltasaarenkatu 2, 00530 Helsinki. 

We provide service on weekdays from 9.00–15.00. 

Go to Journey Planner(Link leads to external service)

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact Senior Info using one of the following ways:


Siltasaarenkatu 2, 00530 Helsinki
Location on map - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)

Reitti pääsisäänkäynnille

  • Liikkumisesteisille osoitetut pysäköintipaikat poistuvat Siltasaarenkatu 4 -kiinteistön edestä 16.8.2024 alkaen uusien liikennejärjestelyiden vuoksi. Ilmoitamme kun kyseiset paikat ovat taas käytössä, tai jos saamme tietoa korvaavista pysäköintipaikoista.

The route to the main entrance

  • The route to the entrance is smooth and sufficiently wide and illuminated.

The main entrance

  • The entrance is located in a recess.
  • The doors connected to the entrance stand out clearly. Outside the door there is sufficient room for moving e.g. with a wheelchair. The door opens easily manually.
  • The entrance has thresholds over 2 cm high.

In the facility

  • The customer service point is on the entrance floor.
  • The doors in the customer service point stand out clearly. The glass doors have contrast markings.
  • The waiting room of the customer service point has no queue number system. The waiting room has chairs.
  • The customer service point has a fixed induction loop marked with the appropriate international symbol (and active T-sign).
  • The customer service point has an accessible toilet on the same floor.