Service voucher for home cleaning

In the home care service and care plan, you can be granted a home cleaning service voucher. The service voucher enables you to purchase home cleaning from private companies approved by the City. The service voucher is intended for you if you have a low income and need help cleaning your home.

When you receive a service voucher for home cleaning, the City pays an amount equal to the service voucher for home cleaning. You may be charged a co-payment or deductible, which refers to a fixed amount of the total fee you may have to pay from your pocket. You can receive two hours of home cleaning payable by service voucher per month.

The value of the service voucher is affected by the size of your household and monthly income. Monthly income refers to gross income, that is, income before deducted taxes. The monthly income includes all taxable continuous and annually recurring earned and capital income, as well as the care allowance of a pensioner.

The value of the service voucher

The value of the service voucher, EUR / hour 24 21
Maximum income, EUR / month 1.138 1.138,10–1.422
The value of the service voucher and maximum income when there is one person in the household
The value of the service voucher, EUR / hour 24 21
Maximum income, EUR / month 1.575 1.575,10–2.107
The value of the service voucher and maximum income when there are two people in the household

If you have an income higher than this, you are not eligible for a service voucher.

Contact home care client guidance or Senior Info if more than two people live in your household.

How to apply for a service voucher for home cleaning and use it

  1. Let us know that you are interested in receiving a service voucher for home cleaning

    First, contact Senior Info. We will carry out a preliminary service needs assessment together with you.

    Call Senior Info(Link starts a phone call)

    We provide service on weekdays from 9.00–15.00.

    If you already have a designated worker at the City’s services for seniors, please ask them directly for guidance and advice.

  2. We assess whether the criteria for granting a service voucher are met

    After the preliminary assessment, we will direct your service voucher request to client guidance, assess whether the criteria for granting the voucher are met, and make a decision.

  3. You will receive a service voucher by mail

    Once you have been granted a service voucher for home cleaning, you will receive the service voucher by mail to your home.

  4. Compare service providers

    Once you have received a service voucher, you can see the details of your service voucher and the service providers available by logging in to the online service.

    You can also compare service prices and see whether you will be charged a co-payment, which refers to a fixed amount of the total fee you may have to pay from your pocket.

    Go to (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)  

  5. Contact the provider of your choice

    Contact the service provider of your choice to make the arrangements for the cleaning service.