The calculator gives you an estimate of the amount of the client fee for continuous and regular home care as well as the fees for services supporting living at home. We grant home care based on a service needs assessment. You can receive support services even if you are not a regular home care client.
- Advice and guidance
Activities and peer support
- Service centres
Day activities for the elderly
- Day activities Ilon Pilke
- Day activities Kinapori
- Day activities Liina
- Day activities Louhi
- Day activities Näpsäkkä
- Day activities Oravanpesä
- Day activities Pihla
- Day activities Päivikki
- Day activities Päiväkartano
- Day activities Päivänsäde
- Day activities Ruskopirtti
- Day activities Sinilintu
- Day activities Solstrålen
- Day activities Syysunelma
- Day activities Sävel
- Day activities Töölö
- Home care
Informal care
- Informal care support for the elderly and people with memory disorders
- Care options during the caregiver's statutory leave days
- Discretionary care and support for informal care families
- Social guidance for informal care families
- Informal caregiver's health check-up
- Coaching for new informal caregivers
- Group on Life after informal care
- Housing services for the elderly