Swedish-language service needs assessment

We carry out service needs assessments together with Swedish-speaking elderly residents and their loved ones. We also offer gerontological social work and informal care support services.

When you are looking for services and support for Swedish-speaking elderly residents, please contact Senior Info. If your situation calls for a more extensive assessment of service needs, our Swedish-speaking client assistance team will contact you. 
We carry out extensive service needs assessments, for example to determine the need for home care, informal care or round-the-clock care.

We also do gerontological social work. Gerontological social work means social work and social guidance for the elderly that will help you find solutions to problems relating to, for example, life management, relationships or housing.
Our unit employs a senior social worker, a client relationship manager, social workers, client advisors, client advisors for informal care support and a home helper for informal care support.
We provide service in Swedish. The service is free of charge to you.

Service point

Senior Info

Address: Siltasaarenkatu 2, 00530 Helsinki