Social guidance for informal care families

We support older informal care families at the activity centres for informal care.

We support the well-being, ability to cope and functional ability of older informal caregivers and care receivers at our activity centres for informal care.

Social instructors working at the activity centres provide informal care families with guidance, counselling and up-to-date information on services. We also organise coaching courses for new informal caregivers at our activity centres. In addition, you can partake in the Life after informal care (Omaishoitajasta omaiseksi) -coaching that is meant for informal caregivers whose loved one is about to move or has already moved into a care home.

There are four activity centres for informal care:

- the Southern Activity Centre for Informal Care at the Töölö Senior Centre,
- the Eastern Activity Centre for Informal Care at the Myllypuro Senior Centre,
- the Northern Activity Centre for Informal Care at the Syystie Senior Centre in Malmi
- the Western Activity Centre for Informal Care at the Hopeatie Assisted Living Facility in Pohjois-Haaga.

You can participate in the activities of any of the activity centres listed above.

You can meet the social counsellors of activity centres for informal care by making an appointment. Schedule a suitable time for yourself by calling a social councellor.

The service is free of charge.

Service points

Eastern Activity Centre for Informal Care

Address: Myllymatkantie 4, 00920 Helsinki

Northern Activity Centre for Informal Care

Address: Takaniitynkuja 3, 00780 Helsinki

Southern Activity Centre for Informal Care

Address: Töölönkatu 33, 00260 Helsinki

Western Activity Centre for Informal Care

Address: Hopeatie 14, 00440 Helsinki