Substance Abuse Outpatient Clinic

At the Substance Abuse Outpatient Clinic, we help with overcoming addictions stemming from alcohol, drugs, medication, and gambling.

We support you in detoxification, rehabilitation and other crucial matters in order to change the course of your life.

Our services generally commence with an easily accessible Startti info session, paving the way for your personalised treatment programme. It is up to you to decide the goals of your treatment programme. Your treatment programme may include individual discussions, group activities and peer support. Substance abuse outpatient clinics also provide substitution treatment for opioid addiction.

An experience expert in substance abuse work who has been in a similar situation to you also works at the Substance Abuse Outpatient Clinic.

There are four substance abuse outpatient clinics in Helsinki. You can choose the one you prefer. It is important for the success of your treatment that you visit the clinic of your choice throughout the treatment relationship.

You can initiate treatment without the need for a referral by reaching out to our phone service at tel. +358 9 310 42900 on weekdays from 8.30-15.30, or by attending the Startti info session at the Kalasatama Health and Well-being Centre.

For those in need of detoxification treatment or facing pressing substance-related concerns, our doors are open without the requirement for an appointment on weekdays from 8.30-15.30 at the Kalasatama Health and Well-being Centre (Työpajankatu 14 A).

In urgent situations, please contact the Haartman or Malmi Emergency Services.

If you are already a client at a substance abuse outpatient clinic or in substitution therapy, please contact your assigned worker or treatment facility.

The services provided at the Substance Abuse Outpatient Clinic are offered to you free of charge. If you are under 24 years old, additional assistance is available through the Youth Substance Abuse Service Pysäkki.

Service points

Kalasataman päihdepoliklinikan sisäänkäynti.

Kalasatama Substance Abuse Outpatient Clinic

Address: Työpajankatu 14 A, 00580 Helsinki
Laakson päihdepoliklinikan sisäänkäynti.

Laakso Substance Abuse Outpatient Clinic

Address: Lääkärinkatu 8 F, 00250 Helsinki
Rakennus ulkoapäin.

Malmi Substance Abuse Outpatient Clinic

Address: Soidinkuja 6 A, 00700 Helsinki
Vuosaaren päihdepoliklinikan odotustila.

Vuosaari Substance Abuse Outpatient Clinic

Address: Kahvikuja 3 A, 00980 Helsinki