Opioid Substitution Treatment Assessment Clinic

The Opioid Substitution Treatment Assessment Clinic assesses the need of and arranges the start for substitution treatment.
Laakson sairaalarakennuksen korkea puinen ovi. Vaalea rakennus, jossa korkeat ikkunat ja tumma, isoista lohkareista pinottu kivijalka.
Photo: Tiina Saikkala

If you use opioids regularly and are interested in opioid substitution treatment, you can become a client of our Opioid Substitution Treatment Assessment Clinic. You can visit the Opioid Substitution Treatment Assessment Clinic by calling the phone number for the Opioid Substitution Treatment Assessment Team. Our services are free of charge to you.

The Opioid Substitution Treatment Assessment Clinic will assess your need for opioid substitution treatment. Based on the assessment, you will be given an individualised plan for follow-up treatment and possible opioid substitution treatment and medication.

If you start opioid substitution treatment, it can be started as either inpatient care or outpatient treatment at an outpatient clinic. The opioid substitution treatment outpatient clinic handles the initiation and coordination of your treatment.

The assessment clinic is staffed by health care professionals.

Telephone service: You can contact the Opioid Substitution Treatment Assessment Team by phone at +358 40 704 1386 on weekdays from 10.00 to 14.30. If you want to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please call your dedicated contact person.

Contact information

Lääkärinkatu 8, bldg 1, B-staircase, 00250 Helsinki View location on service map

Valid for the time being:
– Mon-Fri 8.15-16.00

P.O. Box 6600, 00099 City of Helsinki

Social Services and Health Care Division’s exchange
+358 9 310 5015(Link starts a phone call)


Lääkärinkatu 8, bldg 1, B-staircase, 00250 Helsinki
Location on map - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)