Pysäkki is open on weekdays from 9.00 to 15.00. During the opening hours, you can come to Pysäkki without an appointment. If you wish, you can bring a support person with you.
At Pysäkki, we offer you discussion support, advice and counselling, also anonymously. You can visit us while intoxicated.
There will always be a nurse and social welfare professional (social instructor, social worker or social therapist) at the reception. They will examine your life situation and appropriate treatment methods according to your needs. In addition, Pysäkki also has a practical nurse, a doctor and peer counsellors.
You can receive a referral to a detoxification treatment ward or to a substitution treatment assessment. Our services also include various individual meetings and groups. You decide what kind of help you want.
Pysäkki also has a community where young people can spend time in a safe environment. The activities of the community also include different groups.
Pysäkki also supports you if you are worried about a loved one's substance abuse. Guardians and loved ones can also contact Pysäkki in matters related to a young person's substance use by calling or coming to the reception without an appointment.
Our activities are confidential and voluntary. We can arrange an interpreter for your appointments.
Our services are free of charge.
In life-threatening situations (overdose, alcohol poisoning or self-destructive behaviour), call 112 or Medical Helpline at +358 116 117 or visit the emergency department.
Contact information
Valid for the time being:
– Mon-Fri 9.00-15.00
– Sat-Sun closed