Renewing prescriptions

If you would like to renew a prescription for medication, you can do this at your local health station or any pharmacy in the capital area.

You can also submit a prescription renewal request online via the electronic health services My Kanta or Maisa.

If possible, please submit the request to the unit responsible for your care.

It takes approximately one week to process a prescription renewal. You can pick up medication issued with electronic prescriptions at any pharmacy in the capital area.

You can view your prescriptions and a summary of your medications in the My Kanta service, which you can also access via Maisa. You can renew prescriptions for your children under the age of 10 in this same way.

Use the online service

Request a renewal of your prescription in MyKanta

You can request a prescription renewal for your regular medication in MyKanta if it was prescribed to you by a health station. When you renew your prescription in MyKanta, you do not need to contact your health station separately. Please note that processing your renewal request may take up to eight days. If your request is urgent, please contact your health station by phone.

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Service points

23 service points

Haagan terveysasema

Haaga Health Station

Address: Huovitie 5, 00400 Helsinki

Jakomäki Health Station

Address: Vuorensyrjä 8, 00770 Helsinki

Kalasatama Health Station

Address: Työpajankatu 14 A, 00580 Helsinki
Kannelmäen terveysasema.

Kannelmäki Health Station

Address: Kaustisenpolku 6a, 00420 Helsinki

Kivelä Health Station

Address: Sibeliuksenkatu 14, 00260 Helsinki

Kivikko Health Station

Address: Kivikonkaari 21, 00940 Helsinki

Kontula Health Station

Address: Ostoskuja 3, 00940 Helsinki

Laajasalo Health Station

Address: Koulutanhua 2 A, 00840 Helsinki

Lauttasaari Health Station

Address: Taivaanvuohentie 6, 00200 Helsinki

Malmi Health Station

Address: Talvelantie 4, 00700 Helsinki

Malminkartano Health Station

Address: Luutnantintie 12-14, 00410 Helsinki

Maunula Health Station

Address: Suursuonlaita 3 A, 00630 Helsinki

Munkkiniemi Health Station

Address: Laajalahdentie 30, 00330 Helsinki

Myllypuro Health Station

Address: Jauhokuja 4, 00920 Helsinki

Oulunkylä Health Station

Address: Kylänvanhimmantie 25, 00640 Helsinki