Mobile Symppis health advice

Mobile Symppis offers health counselling around the city on weekdays.

Mobile Symppis provides health and social counselling for clients with substance abuse issues. We do treatment need assessments, HIV and hepatitis tests and administer vaccines. We can replace your used needles with new ones.

You can come to see us under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol and anonymously. We look forward to seeing you!

Timetable and stops of Mobile Symppis health advice

  • Monday from 15–18: Kannelmäki, Pasuunatie 1, parking area
  • Tuesday from 12–14.30: Malmi, Pekankatu 5, parking area
  • Wednesday from 15–18: Kamppi, Paasikivenaukio

In addition, we do mobile work in the Helsinki area as follows:

  • Monday from 12–14
  • Tuesday from 9–11
  • Wednesday from 12–14
  • Thursday from 10–15
  • Friday from 9–15