The City of Helsinki has nine areas for winter storage that are filled in order of lifting from the water and four areas with marked places. The marked winter storage places are applied for separately. In the unmarked storage areas, the customer’s notification is sufficient.
Marked winter storage places
If you want marked winter storage space for your boat, apply for a place using the electronic application form at venepaikat.hel.fi/en(Link leads to external service) .
We offer marked winter storage places in Rajasaari, Laivalahti, Iso-Sarvasto and Porslahti. The price of the marked place is determined by the size of the boat and the services of the area.
Apply for a marked winter storage place for your boat(Link leads to external service)
Unmarked areas for winter storage
You can take your boat to the unmarked area of your choice from 15 September. After that, fill in the unmarked winter storage notification at venepaikat.hel.fi/en(Link leads to external service) .
Notify the city that the boat has been taken to the storage area(Link leads to external service)
The unmarked winter storage areasare located on the west side of the city in Pajalahti, Merisatama, Kaisaniemi and Hernesaari. On the east side, unmarked winter storage areas can be found in Strömsinlahti, Puotila, Marjaniemi and Ruusuniemi.
Kaisaniemenranta 3–11, 00100 Helsinki
100 places
no electricity or water available
Merisatamanranta, 00150 Helsinki (area near Carusel)
the area can accommodate 27 large boats
electricity and water available
mainly a winter storage for large boats
This map shows how boats should be placed in Merisatama: Map of the unmarked storage area in Merisatama (pdf, in Finnish)
Hernesaarenranta 1
no electricity or water available
approximately 100 places
summer storage of docking equipment and trailers
NB: The wires of the tram line to Hernesaari may hinder the transport of large boats to the area. Therefore, the Hernesaari area is mainly recommended for storing boats which can be transported by trailer.
Instructions on how to place boats in the area are available on the notice board. Map of the unmarked storage area in Hernesaari (pdf)
Niittyranta 19, 00930 Helsinki
approximately 100 places
electricity and water available
summer storage of docking equipment and trailers
Vattuniemenkatu 26, 00210 Helsinki
approximately 125 places
electricity available
summer storage of trailers
Meripellontie 11, 00910 Helsinki
approximately 500 places
electricity and water available
summer storage of docking equipment and trailers
Abraham Wetterin tie 26, 00820 Helsinki
approximately 40 places
electricity and water available
Ruusuniemi I
(larger asphalted area)
Merenkulkijankuja 1, 00980 Helsinki
approximately 100 places
electricity and water available
summer storage of docking equipment
Ruusuniemi II
(at the base of the breakwater)
Merenkulkijankuja 6, 00980 Helsinki
approximately 50 places
no electricity or water available
summer storage of docking equipment and trailers
Guidelines for the winter storage of boats
You can apply for marked storage for your boat online at venepaikat.hel.fi (Link leads to external service)
We offer marked winter storage places in Rajasaari, Laivalahti, Iso-Sarvasto and Porslahti.
You can apply for a place all year round. We will handle the applications every year in September and October. We will send you an offer for the place by e-mail and SMS. If you want to change the place, please make a new application.
You can see the exact locations and services of the four marked storage areas on the
venepaikat.hel.fi (Link leads to external service)
How much does marked winter storage cost?
The price of marked winter storage is affected by the size and ownership of the boat and the decisions of the culture and leisure administration.
Price list for marked winter storage per year:
EUR 12.50 /m2 for private persons
and EUR 25.00 /m2 for companies
Example calculation: Area 3.00 m x 8 m: EUR 12.50 x 3x8 = EUR 300.00
The price includes 24% VAT.
The price includes the summer storage of docking equipment during the sailing season, i.e. 11 June–14 September.
When will I receive information about winter storage?
We will handle the applications in September and October. If you have not received an e-mail or SMS from us by the end of October, it means that we cannot offer you marked winter storage.
What happens if I fail to pay the invoice for the marked winter storage?
If the invoice is not paid by the due date, the contract is considered terminated by the customer.
I have a marked winter storage place for my boat from the city. Do I have to apply for a new place each year?
Not unless you want to change the place.
I want to take my boat for winter storage in an unmarked area, what should I do?
You can take your boat to the unmarked area of your choice from 15 September. After that, fill in the unmarked winter storage notification at
venepaikat.hel.fi(Link leads to external service)
You will receive an invoice for winter storage by e-mail. Pay your e-invoice via the e-mail link before the due date. After paying the invoice, you will receive a winter storage sticker in the mail. Attach the sticker to your boat in a visible place. Unauthorised or unpaid boats are removed from the storage areas.
Where are the unmarked winter storage areas located?
The unmarked winter storage areasare located on the west side of the city in Pajalahti, Merisatama, Kaisaniemi and Hernesaari. On the east side, unmarked winter storage areas can be found in Strömsinlahti, Puotila, Marjaniemi and Ruusuniemi.
How much does unmarked winter storage cost?
Prices for unmarked winter storage per year
Kaisaniemi, Pajalahti, Hernesaarenranta, Ruusuniemi II
private persons EUR 10.70 /m2
companies EUR 21.40 /m2
Merisatama (eastern), Puotila, Marjaniemi, Strömsinlahti, Ruusuniemi I
private persons EUR 12.50 /m2
companies EUR 25.00 /m2
Example calculation:
Boat size 2 m x 5 m, 2 m x 5 m x EUR 12.50 e = EUR 125.00
The winter storage fee includes the summer storage of docking equipment for the period 11 June–14 September.
I do not have a berth from the city, can I still dock my boat in the winter storage area of the City of Helsinki?
Yes, you can, we do not limit the winter storage to customers with a berth. Please remember to indicate where your boat is so that we can send you the invoice and sticker for the winter storage area.
What happens if I fail to pay the invoice?
You will lose your place in the winter storage area. Boats that have been unauthorisedly hoisted into the winter storage area or without a sticker will be removed from the area at the owner’s risk and expense.
How do the marked and unmarked winter storage areas differ from each other?
You may take your boat to an unmarked area for docking without a separate application. Submit an electronic notification of your boat after the boat has been taken out and lifted out of water via our online service.
You may not take your boat to a marked storage place without first submitting an application and receiving the number of the place from berth reservations.
Who can apply for marked winter storage?
We primarily offer marked winter storage to Helsinki-based applicants. We will distribute the marked storage placed during September and October based on the applications.
The unmarked storage areas are open to everyone. You can take your boat to the unmarked area of your choice from 15 September. After that, fill in the unmarked winter storage notification at venepaikat.hel.fi. (Link leads to external service)
How are winter storage fees determined?
The prices are per square metre, and they are determined in the unmarked areas by the size of the boat and in the marked areas by the size of the storage place and the services of the port.
How is the winter storage paid for?
You can pay for the marked winter storage place and the unmarked winter storage only electronically. We will send the payment link to the e-mail address you provided.
What kind of trailers can I bring to the winter storage areas?
Only registered trailers and folding logs are allowed in the areas. It is not allowed to bring unregistered trailers to winter storage areas, i.e. port trailers, because they take up a lot of space.
Does the city hoist boats, and where can I get the docking equipment I need for the winter storage of my boat?
No, the city does not hoist boats. You can purchase hoisting services from private companies or contact boat clubs to inquire about joint hoisting. Registered trailers and assembled boat stands are sold by companies in the boating industry.
I want to wash my boat in the winter storage area. Is this possible and by what date?
You may wash your boat in the marked or unmarked winter storage place during the winter storage period, which is from 15 September to 10 June. You are also allowed to carry out other minor boat maintenance and repairs at the winter storage sites.
Can I leave my boat on ice in my own berth?
If you have a large vessel with a strong and sturdy hull and your berth is located in Pohjoisranta, Laivalahti breakwater or Laivalahti Reginankuja, you may leave your boat on ice. However, please notify the berth office of this by sending an e-mail to
venepaikkavaraukset@hel.fi (Link opens default mail program)
. In February, we will send an invoice to customers whose boat has been left on ice. The fee is the same as the berth fee.
The masts must be overturned during winter.
Winter storage areas are not guarded.
Boats that have been unauthorisedly hoisted into the winter storage area or without a sticker will be removed from the area at the owner’s risk and expense.
Boats must not be docked in rescue corridors or green areas. This is prohibited in order to ensure the smoothness of rescue and ploughing operations and the general safety of the areas.
Unregistered trailers, also known as harbour trailers, are prohibited in winter storage areas. Only registered trailers and folding logs are allowed.
Price list for winter storage
The price of the marked spaces is based on the size of the space, and for unmarked spaces, on the size of the boat (m2, length x width).
See the price list for berths (pdf)(Link leads to external service)